31 examples of refurnish in sentences

Now, when one thinks that the United States, after so many loans and after all the expenses of the War, has only a circulation of 4,557,000,000 dollars, one understands what difficulty Germany has to produce, to live, and to refurnish herself with raw materials.

Her own bedroom at the western corner of the house, next door to the huge room occupied by Sarrion, had been entirely refurnished and newly decorated.

She refurnished the house, and surrounded him with comforts.

The purchasers had refurnished the house with tasteless gewgaws, and the spirit of gracefulness had vanished.

Give them money, and Sanders will rebuild and refurnish the Alexandrian Library,Smooch will bid every young painter in America reset his palette and try again,and Brevier Lead will be fool enough to start a newspaper upon his own account, and, while his purse holds out to bleed, will make it a good one.

Time after time, with incomparable patience, they would refurnish and reopen their beleaguered halls, heal up the wounds of rope, tar or "billy" and proceed with the work of organization as though nothing had happened.

This adorable worka little bronze Cupid struggling with a spouting dolphinwas made for Lorenzo de' Medici's country villa at Careggi and was brought here when the palazzo was refurnished for Francis I, Cosimo I's son and successor, and his bride, Joanna of Austria, in 1565.

The garden contains a number of the tombs themselves, rebuilt and refurnished exactly as they were found; while on the ground floor is the amazing collection of articles which the tombs yielded.

He added a munificent endowment and had the villa refurnished and redecorated throughout, according to his son-in-law's wishes.

She says when she comes home she shall refurnish her room and papa's too!"

The rooms had been refurnished, the stables and coach-houses were stocked, the pleasure-grounds made trim and beautiful, and servants were busy everywhere.

This he used to refurnish Elmwood.

"But, Harry, you've refurnished the whole suite!"

The old residence was to be re-bought, and refurnished from France; the avant scène at the opera had been engaged; the old cook was to be hired back from the club at a fabulous price; the old balls and the old dinners were to gladden the cityso said they who seemed to know.

Miss L'Estrange had refurnished the room in accordance with her own ideas of the beautiful and artistic.

The fashionable intelligence told him that the Duke and Duchess of Hazlewood had arrived for the season, that they had had their magnificent mansion refurnished, and that the beautiful duchess intended to startle all London by the splendor and variety of her entertainments.

"Oh God," I cried in my sorrow, "who did play with me among the mountains, refurnish my soul!

From eight in the morning until two in the afternoon, tables laid out in the dining-room and hall are furnished, only to be refurnished immediately, the end being equal to the beginning.

The old royal palace at Fontainebleau had, by order of the emperor, been refurnished with imperial magnificence, and, as a peculiarly delicate attention, the Pope's bedchamber had been arranged in exact imitation of his bedchamber in the Quirinal at Home.

He recalled a long journey on the train, their arrival at Stacey, and the taking over of the run-down hotel that his mother had refurnished and made a place of neatness and comfort.

I could not stand up before my minister and offer to refurnish the parsonage parlor, with such a lie as that on my lips.

He was determined to refurnish the drawing-room and also the bedroom in which Florence was destined to sleep.

Of the furniture of this period there are several pieces in the Mansion House, in the City of London, which apparently was partly refurnished about the commencement of the century.

Mother thought you would like to refurnish your room.

We could refurnish, and make it perfect; whereas nothing can be done to this place, so inconveniently built and buried in trees.

31 examples of  refurnish  in sentences