283 examples of regaled in sentences

In Homer's time, the, art of cookery had not advanced much beyond this; for we read in the "Iliad," how the great Achilles and his friend Patroclus regaled the three Grecian leaders on bread, wine, and broiled meat.

He named the first day of the year -rúz and on every -rúz he made a royal feast, so that under his hospitable roof, mortals, and Genii, and Demons, and Peris, were delighted and happy, every one being equally regaled with wine and music.

'We dined,' Hawkins continues, 'and in the evening regaled with coffee.

Whereat I was again regaled with that imcomparable blush.

This procession regaled both Main and Washington streets, where Miss Caroline visited our shops to make inconsiderable purchases and many friends.

Then a man started up at the mare's cry, and seeing Sindbad, bore him to an underground chamber, where he regaled the waif with plenteous food.

" "He needn't have been so close," Miss Bellingham remarked, "seeing that all the world will be regaled with our affairs before long.

In the intervals between dances he regaled him with interminable extracts from speeches made at the debating society and recitations learned at school.

Later in the season, on this same shell mound, I might have regaled myself with fresh figs.

The guardian of the peace is then regaled with the best food in the house, after which he is 'wreathed with smiles.'

From this house we obtained some great pails of milk, and having brought bread with us, we were liberally regaled.

Appointed governor of the École Militaire, he distinguished himself in no way in his position, except by the sumptuous dinners and déjeûners with which he regaled his friends.

During dinner, two pretty looking girls with musical instruments entered the hall, and regaled our ears with singing some romances, among which were Dunois le Troubadour and La Sentinelle.

As M. Clemenceau was insistent that he should not be interviewed, I may not repeat the exceedingly lively talk on all sorts of people and things with which he regaled us onceand it didn't take longhe "got going.

There is a story told of some Londoners who went to visit at a country farm, where, among other good things, they were regaled with new-laid eggs.

He regaled her with all kinds of newspaper yarns and related some of his own once semi-tragic but now humorous misadventures of his early cub days.

The Rev. Mr. Anderson had a large assemblage of his scholars at the school-house, who were regaled with meat, bread, and beverage, and also a large meeting of the adult members of his Church, to every one of whom, who could, or was attempting to learn to read, he gave a book.[HE GAVE A BOOK.]

In such surroundings my new friends regaled me with stories of pillage and murder which the refugees had been bringing in from across the border.

" On another plantation the same traveller was shown the débris left by the last Irish gang and was regaled by an account of the methods by which their contractor made them work.

Together they were regaled with folklore in the quarters, with Bible and fairy stories in the "big house," with pastry in the kitchen, with grapes at the scuppernong arbor, with melons at the spring house and with peaches in the orchard.

Not a few regaled themselves with the popular Parliamentary beverage,sherry and soda-water; and others, who had resolutely kept their seats since the opening of the debate, rewarded their devotion to the interests of the public by a more elaborate repast.

Invited to a great feast, he was regaled with the usual dainty of a sheep roasted whole, and eaten with the fingers; while girls, dressed as Caryatides, presented a large vase of milk, which was passed round to the company.

After they had hunted all day they returned to the Howard House where they regaled themselves in pleasures of the hotel for the evening.

The young people danced beneath the ardour of a July sun, while the old looked on and regaled themselves with beer, cyder, and gingerbread.

The consequence is, that all the animals, biped and quadruped, inhabiting the stable, must pass the traveller's door, who is regaled with the smell proceeding from the said stable, cook-rooms, &c.; all the insects they collect, and all the feathers from the fowls slaughtered upon the spot; the plan being, when parties arrive, to drive the unhappy creatures into the house, kill and pluck them immediately.

283 examples of  regaled  in sentences