97 examples of regrettable in sentences

The most regrettable side of the whole incident is that the resignation of the above gentlemen has been proclaimed by innumerable German writers as proof of Sir Edward Grey's double dealing, and proof that Britain is waging an unjust war.

It was sad, regrettable, incomprehensible, and yet somehow his inner being swelled and throbbed.

Regrettable though I must consider it, I should there find, spite of my disability, some field of active endeavor to engage my mind.

In old days I had been able to beat Tommy easily, but owing to a regrettable oversight on the part of the Government there is no table at Princetown, and in consequence I was rather short of practice.

Except for the tea, however, there seemed to be a regrettable dearth of liquid refreshments, and I mentally thanked Providence for my happy inspiration with regard to the Off-Licence.

But don't go supposing for one moment that these regrettable surroundings have in the smallest degree impaired the exquisite and waxen bloom of our author's sympathetic characters.

Since, however, this assumption of materialism is untenable, and since all men are possessed of immortal souls between which is no distinction in the sight of God, the situation, regrettable if you like, is one which at the same time calls for the exercise of a higher humanitarianism than that so popular during the last generation, and as well for a very drastic revision of contemporary political and social and educational methods.

It is regrettable that Quiroga's picturesque butchery of Spanish and Tagalogthe dialect of the Manila Chinesecannot be reproduced here.

Adj. regretting &c v.; regretful; homesick. regretted &c v.; much to be regretted, regrettable; lamentable &c (bad) 649.

On the evening of the 3rd of March, a note emanating from the Ministry of the Interior, pointed out in the following terms the danger to be feared from the Central Committee: "Incidents of the most regrettable nature have occurred during the last few days, and menace seriously the peace of the capital.

Ibsen did not write for a coterie, though special and regrettable circumstances have made him, in England, something of a coterie-poet.

It is certainly regrettable that it should take place by violence, but that is the natural method.

It was also clear that Mr. Swann's complaisance was nearly at an end, and a letter, couched in vigorous, not to say regrettable, terms for a moribund man, expressed such a desire for fresh air and exercise that Hardy was prepared to see him at any moment.

But when Messer Giovanni Battista named as his innamorata the young daughter of one of the proudest patricians of the Serene Republic, the worthy couple were in trepidation lest the lad's passion should lead to regrettable embarrassments.

I only hope you can find some explanation for this regrettable accident.

Instead of proceeding to root out this nest of pirates, someone suggested that a more comprehensive and binding arrangement was necessary between the American and Red Guard forces, to prevent such regrettable occurrences in future.

An epoch in this long and regrettable warfare was marked by a sermon preached at Baltimore in 1819.

Enough has been said to show that Rolle is a remarkable individual, and one of the most poetic of the English religious mystical writers, and it is regrettable that some of his other works are not more easily accessible.

Two facts will suffice to set in a clear light, at the commencement of the new reign, this regrettable analogy in the defects, and this profound diversity in the mind, character, and conduct of the two kings.

A regrettable impasse has been reached in the dispute between The Amalgamated Society of Trades Union Leaders and the Trades Unions.

It is regrettable that two of the most gifted writers included were cut off so early in life.

Regrettable as it was, I should have to surrender these two specimens to the coroner and the gravedigger.

In order, however, to prevent a recurrence of such "regrettable incidents," the society made a rule that in future no candidates should be admitted to their examinations unless they came from a recognised medical school, and, as no such school would admit women, this closed their doors.

Think what immortal copy I'd have made out av the regrettable incident over there!"

Of all the painful story of the regrettable circumstances which caused him to seek his last home in Florence it would be mere impertinence in me to speak, after the lucid, and at the same time delicately-touched, account of them which his biographer has given.

97 examples of  regrettable  in sentences