42 examples of relievos in sentences

Nothing in other countries can equal the Kathayans in masonry, joiner-work, making relievos or raised figures in plaster, and in painting.

It required nothing but the substitution of wood for stone and of relievo for intaglio to give that art the form it now has.

Although erected to the honour of Constantine, this arch commemorates the victories of Trajan, some of the basso-relievos, &c. having been pilfered from one of the arches of Trajan.

The bronze basso-relievo of Henry IV. had been carefully hidden with clusters of flags.

The surface of the basso-relievo is also covered with Cuneiform writing.

On the margins and the bassso-relievo many additions and repetitions are to be read, which also prove the engraver's carelessness or precipitation.)

(A great many short inscriptions are placed over the basso-relievos.

The inscription has but two colums, and occupies but one side of the monument; on the other, the image of the King is engraved, and near the garment of the King, represented by the basso-relievo, the three lines of the beginning are repeated at the end of the document.)

There were rich blocks of cornice, ten feet long; fluted and reeded pillars; great arcs of heavily-carved sculpture, which appeared to have served as architraves from pillar to pillar, along the face of the proscenium, where there was every trace of having been a colonnade; and other blocks sculptured with figures of animals in alto-relievo.

I say then, that to introduce into Architecture this Grandeur of Manner, we ought so to proceed, that the Division of the Principal Members of the Order may consist but of few Parts, that they be all great and of a bold and ample Relievo, and Swelling; and that the Eye, beholding nothing little and mean, the Imagination may be more vigorously touched and affected with the Work that stands before it.

The exterior of the chancel is lined with marble divided into panels, each of which has its basso relievo; the interior is wainscoted, and carved in a very masterly style.

Over the door, in large characters, is the hero's name, PICTON; and above this, in basso relievo, is represented part of the field of battle, with the hero falling from his horse, from the mortal wound which he received.

All the figures of the lord, &c. of the Yule, handsomely represented in basso-relievo, stand in the north wall of the nave of Cirencester Church, which vouches for the antiquity of the custom; and, on many of these occasions, they erect a may-pole, which denotes its rise in Druidism.

These defects may in some measure have arisen from the early and more frequent practice of the artist in relievos.

The reredos contains two modern designs in alto-relievo.

The circular pedestal whereon it is erected, is ornamented with figures in alto relievo, in a bold and masterly style, the limbs being so disposed, that except real violence is used, they are not liable to be injured.

Persons of rank who are curious may there see the art of chasing, or sculpturing in basso and alto relievo, together with various operations in the art of metallurgy.

The snow reprints it, as it were, in clear white type alto-relievo.

In the tympanum a relievo represented the Virgin surrounded by angels, robed in the habit of St. Ildefonso, a pious legend repeated in various parts of the building as though it were one of its chief glories.

Above the three hollows or chapels that pierce it runs a frieze of ancient relievos, the work of some obscure mediaeval artist.

The Perrero examined the lower stalls, ferreting out among the Gothic relievos the discoveries enjoyed by his unwholesome curiosity.

RELIEF, prominence of a sculpture from a plain surface; works in relief are of three kinds: alto-relievo, high relief; mezzo-relievo, medium relief; basso-relievo, low relief.

RELIEF, prominence of a sculpture from a plain surface; works in relief are of three kinds: alto-relievo, high relief; mezzo-relievo, medium relief; basso-relievo, low relief.

RELIEF, prominence of a sculpture from a plain surface; works in relief are of three kinds: alto-relievo, high relief; mezzo-relievo, medium relief; basso-relievo, low relief.

As you walk round the church, you can not fail to be struck with the great variety of ancientand to an Englishman, whimsical looking mural monuments, in basso and alto relievos.

42 examples of  relievos  in sentences