1372 examples of relished in sentences

" This facetious epigram was duly relished, and the sage was turning his toasted side from the fire to present the other, when the clatter of a horse coming up the hillside sent the group scouring toward their guns, stacked near the unfinished walls.

The persons whom the host wishes most to honour should be asked if they like the delicious brown outside slice, as this, by many, is exceedingly relished.

Brave little Clevi, who usually relished telling of her dangerous adventures when they had turned out well, was as silent as a mouse about it all.

" Joel walked away, muttering, leaving the labourers in doubt whether he relished least the work he was now obliged to unite in furthering, or Mike's hit at his own peculiar people.

In the dress he gives it, it is a most welcome guest at tea-tables and assemblies, and is relished and caressed by the merchants on the Change.

If he wouldn't have relished knocking the Scotchman dead before his eyes, I've lost my guess.

The goolar is a species of fig, and the leaves are much relished by cattle and goats.

It ain't in my reg'lar way o' business at all, but I'm so good-natured I can't say 'no.'" "Can't say 'no' to five pounds, you mean," retorted Mr. Wilks, who by no means relished these remarks.

Ah, yes, Billy Woods came to her now in her peril, and I don't think that Mr. Flinks particularly relished the look upon Billy's face as he ran through the gardens, for Billy was furiously moved.

She had relished the long mornings of idleness in bed, recollecting, in order to double her enjoyment, that at that very moment the friends she had left at school, were turning pale beneath the smoky lamps of the school-room; and in the evening she read the delightful novels of Droz by her lamp, and thought with pleasure that her same friends had been in bed for a long while.

The bears here combine together in numerous herds, to catch the salmon near the cataracts in the rivers, where great numbers are stopped in their ascent, and are exceedingly relished by that animal.

It is precisely such a novel as I should suppose would be very popular in the highest circles of France, and consequently, owing to difference of character, would be less relished by the same circles in England.

The thing was evidently ill relished by the Indians.

I remember well the day that John seemed almost convalescent, relished his breakfast, wanted to talk a while, and before we left him, had us bring him a basin of warm water and his beflowered carpet bag, from which he took a change of clothing and his shaving outfit.

" In long and agreeable silence she relished the sailor's astonishment.

Notwithstanding every subject may not be relished by every reader, yet the buyer may be assured that each number will repay his generous subscription.

How they have been relished among you we know not, but with us they have been thought sufficient to prove what we have advanced, as well as to direct the attentive reader to discover new instances of your author's exactness and elegance, in every page, if not almost in every line.

Monsieur Fayel, going in, sent for his cook, and delivered him the powder, charging him to make a well relished dish of it, without losing a jot, for it was a very costly thing, and enjoined him to bring it in himself, after the last course at supper.

But what I said was not relished by him, nor could I hit upon any other course.

In nutritive value such bread nearly equals that made from wheat, but it has an acid taste not relished by persons unaccustomed to its use.

It is an early, though not the most productive grass, and is much relished by all kinds of cattle.

WATER HAIR-GRASS.This is an aquatic, and very much relished by cattle, but cannot be propagated for fodder.

BIRD'S-FOOT-LOTUS.There are several varieties of this plant; one growing on very dry chalky soils, and which in such places helps to make a good turf, and is much relished by cattle.

VARIABLE MEDIC.This is also a plant much relished by cattle, but is not in cultivation: it is an annual, and perhaps inferior in many respects to the Nonsuch, which it in some measure resembles.

" Lepany, who evidently relished every chance of showing off, fell into a picturesque attitude and prepared to hold forth.

1372 examples of  relished  in sentences