58 examples of remaine in sentences

But that in Seneca the which you lov'd, Which you admir'd, doth and shall still remaine, Secure of death, untouched of the grave. 1 Friend.

Dispatch it then, good Iris, out of hand, My Peacocks and my Charriot shall remaine About the shore till thou returne againe.

Some comfort yet in this there doth remaine, That you have found a partner in your paine.

Hees growne of late as fatherly and milde As ever father was unto his childe, And sent me forth to search the coast about If so my hap might be to finde him out; And if Eurymine alive remaine To bring them both vnto the Court againe.

Remaine in peace and Musicke is thy banquet, Or thy selfe number 'mongst their martyring groanes And thou art numbred with these blessed ones.

And let an happie roome remaine for thee Mongst heavenly ranks, where blessed soules do rest; And let long lasting life with ioyous glee, As thy due meede that thou deservest best, 60 Hereafter many yeares remembred be Amongst good men, of whom thou oft are blest.

For, striving more, the more in laces strong Himselfe he tide, and wrapt his wingës twaine In lymie snares the subtill loupes among; That in the ende he breathelesse did remaine, 430

Our life afflicted with incessant paine, 275 That nought on earth may lessen or appease; Why then should I desire here to remaine!

"The good and righteous he away doth take, To plague th'unrighteous which alive remaine; But the ungodly ones he doth forsake, 360 By living long to multiplie their paine; Else surely death should be no punishment, As the Great Iudge at first did it ordaine, But rather riddance from long languishment.

Then thinke not long in taking litle paine To knit the knot that ever shall remaine.

So, as I then disarmed did remaine, A wicked ambush, which lay hidden long In the close covert of her guilful eyen, Thence breaking forth, did thick about me throng.

Then I began to refute that foule error: howbeit my speach did nothing at all preuaile with him: for he could not be perswaded that any soule might remaine without a body.

And in one of the corners of a certaine great pallace, all the Philosophers or Magicians remaine for certaine howers, and doe attend vpon points or characters: and when the point and hower which the sayd Philosophers expected for, is come, a certaine crier crieth out with a loud voyce, saying, Incline or bowe your selues before your Emperour: with that all the Barons fall flat vpon the earth.

There they let it remaine vntill the ende of Iuly or the middest of August, out of which pits at that time, in stead of water that they let in they gather very faire white salt, without any further art or labour, for it is only done by the great heate of the sunne.

Yet notwithstanding the abundance that the shippes carie away yeerely, there remaine heapes like hilles, some heapes able to lade nine or tenne shippes, and there are heapes of two yeeres gathering, some of three and some of nine or tenne yeeres making, to the value of a great somme of golde, and when the ships do lade, they neuer take it by measure, but when they come at Venice they measure it.

The fiue dayes being expired, the captaine ariseth with all the Carouan, and returneth againe to Mecca, where they remaine other fiue dayes.

But let this scene be presently perform'd, While I remaine behind to tell a tale That shall hereafter turn the hearers pale.

And, if it should be my chance to remaine in any place out of England, I would choose this before all other that I know.

The Portugales haue a castle here which standeth neere vnto the sea, wherein there is a Captaine for the king of Portugale hauing vnder him a conuenient number of souldiers, whereof some part remaine in the castle, and some in the towne.

And they come for the most part in September, and remaine there fortie or fiftie dayes; and then goe to Cochin, where they lade their Pepper for Portugall.

Tanda standeth from the riuer Ganges a league, because in times past the riuer flowing ouer the bankes, in time of raine did drowne the countrey and many villages, and so they do remaine.

When the Portugales come to Canton in China to traffike, they must remaine there but certaine dayes: and when they come in at the gate of the city, they must enter their names in a booke, and when they goe out at night they must put out their names.

And their dayes being expired, if any man remaine there, they are euill vsed and imprisoned.

The king goeth incached, as they do all; he doth not remaine in a place aboue fiue or sixe dayes: he hath many houses, but they be but litle: his guard is but small: he remooueth from one house to another according to their order.

The bricks remaining in this most ancient monument be halfe a yard thicke, and three quarters of a yard long, being dried in the Sunne onely, and betweene euery course of bricks there lieth a course of mattes made of canes, which remaine sound and not perished, as though they had bene layed within one yeere.

58 examples of  remaine  in sentences