21 examples of renal in sentences

Now if we omit an estimate of the undigestible remains of the food, we find that the main bulk of what daily leaves the body consists of water, carbon dioxid, and certain solid matters contained in solution in the renal secretion and the sweat.

Of these branches the chief are the coeliac artery, which subdivides into three great branches,one each to supply the stomach, the liver, and the spleen; then the renal arteries, one to each kidney; and next two others, the mesenteric arteries, to the intestines.

A, represents the alimentary canal; L, the pulmonary surface; K, the surface of the renal epithelium; S, the skin; o, oxygen; h, hydrogen,; n, nitrogen. ] 233.

Through the hilus the renal artery passes into each kidney, and from each hilus passes outwards the renal vein, a branch of the inferior vena cava.

Through the hilus the renal artery passes into each kidney, and from each hilus passes outwards the renal vein, a branch of the inferior vena cava.

By this twofold process are separated from the blood the fluid portions of the renal secretion with soluble salts, and the urea with other waste material.

The Renal Secretion.

The cutaneous vessels contract, the blood is driven to the deeper organs with increased pressure, and there is a less amount of sweat, but an increased renal secretion, containing a smaller proportion of solids.

Certain drugs have the power of increasing or diminishing the renal secretion.

As the waste matters eliminated by the kidneys are being constantly produced in the tissues, the action of the renal organs is continuous, in marked contrast with the intermittent flow of most of the secretions proper, as distinguished from the excretions.

Alcoholic liquors excite and irritate the delicate renal membranes, and speedily disturb and eventually destroy their capacity to excrete the proper materials from the blood.

This is the renal artery.

Renal (Lat. ren, renis, the kidney).

All these facts, involving the exclusion of the possibility of a central influence being exercised from, the heart or from the nervous system on the kidneys, were deemed by the speaker arguments proving that the urine was secreted by the renal epithelial cells.

A series of diuretics was next tried, in order to establish whether they operated in the way of stimulus centrally on the heart or peripherally on the renal cells.

SMITH, LAWRENCE W. Cardiovascular-renal disease: a clinocopathologic correlation study emphasizing the importance of ophthalmoscopy, by Lawrence W. Smith, Edward Weiss & others.

SNITZER, GAIL W. Cardiovascular-renal disease: a clinocopathologic correlation study emphasizing the importance of ophthalmoscopy.

Cardiovascular-renal disease: a clinocopathologic correlation study emphasizing the importance of ophthalmoscopy.

SMITH, LAWRENCE W. Cardiovascular-renal disease: a clinocopathologic correlation study emphasizing the importance of ophthalmoscopy, by Lawrence W. Smith, Edward Weiss & others.

SNITZER, GAIL W. Cardiovascular-renal disease: a clinocopathologic correlation study emphasizing the importance of ophthalmoscopy.

Cardiovascular-renal disease: a clinocopathologic correlation study emphasizing the importance of ophthalmoscopy.

21 examples of  renal  in sentences