34 examples of rennets in sentences

The best baking apples for early use are the Colvilles; the best for autumn are the rennets and pearmains; and the best for winter and spring are russets.

It is made by turning with rennet a mixture of cream and new milk.

Dutch cheese derives its peculiar pungent taste from the practice adopted in Holland of coagulating the milk with muriatic acid instead of rennet.

INGREDIENTS.A very small piece of rennet, 1/2 gallon of milk.

Procure from the butcher's a small piece of rennet, which is the stomach of the calf, taken as soon as it is killed, scoured, and well rubbed with salt, and stretched on sticks to dry.

Pour some boiling water on the rennet, and let it remain for 6 hours; then use the liquor to turn the milk.

INGREDIENTS.To every pint of new milk allow 2 dessertspoonfuls of brandy, 1 dessertspoonful of sugar, and 1-1/2 dessertspoonful of prepared rennet; thick cream, pounded cinnamon, or grated nutmeg.

Make the milk blood-warm; put it into a deep dish with the brandy, sugar, and rennet; stir it altogether, and cover it over until it is set.

Take one or two teaspoonfuls of fresh milk in a test tube; heat it, and add a small quantity of extract of rennet.

Boil the milk as before, and allow it to cool; then add rennet.

It is more difficult to coagulate boiled milk with rennet than unboiled milk.

It is well known that "rennet" prepared from the calf's stomach has a remarkable effect in rapidly curdling milk, and this property is utilized in the manufacture of cheese.

The curdling of milk by the rennet ferment present in the gastric juice, is quite different from that produced by the "souring of milk," or by the precipitation of caseinogen by acids.

To show the action of rennet on milk.

Place milk in a test tube, add a drop or two of commercial rennet, and place the tube in a water-bath at about 100 degrees

Repeat the experiment, but previously boil the rennet.

No such result is obtained as in the preceding experiment, because the rennet ferment is destroyed by heat.

The milk is turned into curds and whey, which is done by putting a liquid into it called rennet.

The following is an original recipe for cheese without rennet given me by Mrs Wallace, a well-known pioneer in Food Reform.

Then turning, she took a small cup of rennet clabber from the shelf, poured a little cream over it, put a spoon in it, and set it on the table before me.

Sometimes she allowed me to make small ones, which I pressed with geranium leaves; but one day, being a little out of humor, she refused to let me have the rennet unless I could find it.

Casein, although not coagulable by heat, is coagulated by the introduction into the milk of acids or extract of rennet.


Bryant says the Irish, who are particularly fond of acids, eat the leaves with their milk and fish; and the Laplanders use the juice of them as rennet to their milk.

YELLOW LADIES' BEDSTRAW.The foliage affords the dairy-maid a fine rennet for making cheese.

34 examples of  rennets  in sentences