3704 examples of rent in sentences

He has worked hard and always paid his rent.

Besides the annual fines due to the King and the feudal lords, and in addition to the general subsidies, such as the quit-rent and the tithes, these communities had to provide for the repair of the walls or ramparts, for the paving of the streets, the cleaning of the pits, the watch on the city gates, and the various expenses of local administration.

There in front 'tis rent asunder, And the cloudy bastion crumbles Underneath the deafening thunder; There I see the scarlet gleaming!

A crack which rent the sky, a bright world of flame, and then a blank of utter darkness.

One document may be noted, a rent charge on Ravenshoe of two thousand a year in favour of William Ravenshoe.

My luck at the gambling table was varied; sometimes I was fifty to a hundred dollars ahead, and at other times I had to borrow money from my fellow workmen to settle my room rent and pay for my meals.

It would be just as reasonable for the relatively few land owners of Manhattan to complain that they had to stand the financial burden of the education of the thousands and thousands of children whose parents pay rent for tenements and flats.

When emperors worship at His shrine, Wilt courtesy deny Him?' I heard her voice; my heart was rent,

" "No; rent it.

You rent that?" He pointed to a broken-backed ruin which stood on the point of land that jutted out onto the waters of the lake, a crumbling structure slowly blackening with time.

I dare not publicly name the rare joys, the infinite delights, that intoxicate me on some sweet June morning, when the river and bay are smooth as a sheet of beryl-green silk, and I run along ripping it up with my knife-edged shell of a boat, the rent closing after me like those wounds of angels which Milton tells of, but the seam still shining for many a long road behind me.

Fear not each sudden sound and shock, 'Tis of the wave and not the rock; 'Tis but the flapping of the sail, And not a rent made by the gale!

But Mary, faithful to its lightest word, Kept in her heart the sayings she had heard, Till the dread morning rent the Temple's veil, And shuddering Earth confirmed the wondrous tale.

The bonds severe, Which held thee from us, holy one, are rent, And thou art ours once more.

But that this charm be rent, the threshold passed, Tooth of rat the way must clear.

Vainly I have aspired too high; I'm on a level but with such as thou; Me the great spirit scorn'd, defied; Nature from me herself doth hide; Rent is the web of thought; my mind Doth knowledge loathe of every kind.

In the agony of his own predicament,in the horror of the situation at Miller's house,for a moment the veil of race prejudice was rent in twain, and he saw things as they were, in their correct proportions and relations,saw clearly and convincingly that he had no standing here, in the presence of death, in the home of this stricken family.

Gradually, in the course of months, my ear learned to detect the words; "the veil was rent" for me also; and I was able to follow somewhat the course of her musing and wandering spirit.

In return, I signed the instrument of sale in the form which they sent from Lisbon, and sent it to my old man, who sent me the bills of exchange for 32,800 pieces-of-eight for the estate; reserving the payment of 100 moidores a year to him (the old man) during his life, and 50 moidores afterwards to his son for his life, which I had promised them; and which the plantation was to make good as a rent-charge.

Having no luggage, he paid a week's rent in advance, and the landlady promised to get him a small table, on which he could write, a small table that would fit in somewhere near the window.

He could therefore live for one shilling and eightpence a dayeleven shillings a weekto which he would have to add six shillings a week for rent, altogether seventeen shillings a week.

A farmer calling upon his landlord to pay his rent, apologized for being late, by saying that his illness prevented his attending earlier, and he did not know what his disorder was.

The daring Rufus rent a page from a pocket-book, scribbled his name and address, gave it to Rose.

He rent out another page, offered it to Rose with the pencil, and in a moment had secured the precious scrap of paper in his pocket.

She heard the clink of a chain and a sharp, tearing sound as of wood being rent asunder.

3704 examples of  rent  in sentences