110 examples of repassed in sentences

mortality.[20] "Of 115,000 Russians who invaded Turkey in 1828 and 1829, only 10,000 or 15,000 ever repassed the Pruth.

It seemed hard to tell; Nature, it appeared, was formally set out for show, as in the artificial old French gardens, and amid its strange, carefully arranged scenes, passed and repassed troops of men and women, all clad as for a masquerade.

Before them heavily laden negroes and a few sailors passed and repassed.

At the top he paused, staring vacantly at the folk who passed and repassed along the Strand.

It was the thunder of apples being poured into barrels, and, as in a sleep, the fragrant wagons passed and repassed along the road"the slow-moving wagons of our lady of Eleusis.

I therefore deemed it more prudent to return at once by a shorter route more to the eastward so soon as we had repassed the Hamersley Range, and, obtaining a refit at the bay, to throw all our remaining time into the second trip.

Four days later the Scots[d] received the second sum of one hundred thousand pounds; their army repassed the border-line between the two kingdoms; and the captive monarch, under a[e] strong guard, but with every demonstration of respect, was conducted to his new prison at Holmby.

It was truly admirable to see with what address and rapidity the three or four hundred men, who had hastened to Bois-Monzil, passed and repassed the buckets, by forming a chain to the bottom of the mine.

I repassed the junction of the Ohio with deep interest.

The distance traversed is about ninety miles, which was four times passed and repassed in six days, a feat that could only have been accomplished in the calms of summer.

Into this tent I brought all my provisions, and every thing that would spoil by the wet; and having thus enclosed all my goods, I made up the entrance which till now I had left open, and so passed and repassed, as I said, by a short ladder.

French naval officers and sailors passed and repassed, or sought the obscurity of the mangoes or the acacias.

As the young man passed and repassed them, where they stood under the big pepper tree that shades the depot, the manin his harsh, throaty whisper, between spasms of coughingwas cursing the train service, the country, the weather; and, apparently, whatever else he could think of as being worthy or unworthy his impotent ill-temper.

Indians occasionally passed and repassed; now striding openly across to the island on friendly visit, now skulking over to pick off unwary settlers.

This done, Kamalia passed the powder through a camel's-hair cloth; and then repassed it through a finer cloth.

The carriage passed and repassed her.

At last, Clark was empowered to raise the men he wished, and he passed and repassed from Fort Pitt to the Falls of the Ohio and thence to the Illinois in the vain effort to get troops.

For two years after the signing of the treaty of Holston the war parties thus passed and repassed through his country, and received aid and comfort from his people, and yet the whites refrained from taking vengeance; but the vengeance was certain to come in the end.

* * Robespierre lay for some hours in one of the committee-rooms, writhing with the pain of his wound, and abandoned to despair; while many of his colleagues, perhaps those who had been the particular agents and applauders of his crimes, passed and repassed him, glorying and jesting at his sufferings.

The whole was so ugly and detestable that I repassed the river quite repulsed and disgusted.

They had repassed the ruins of Fort St. Louis, and were well within the precincts of the little city, when, as they pulled up from a final gallop, mention was made of Doctor Keene.

The servant repassed the door; yet when Aurora broke the silence, she spoke in Englishhaving such hazardous things to say.

" They repassed through the other rooms; with his hand upon the frame of the door leading to the show room, Ashton-Kirk paused.

Captain Ambrose, with a face grown old in half a day, gray, abstracted, wretched, passed and repassed me several times, telescope in hand.

I recognized, faintly, the step of Bainrothe on the stairway, distinguishing it readily from any other, as it passed and repassed my hidden door.

110 examples of  repassed  in sentences