204 examples of reprieve in sentences

Well, I grant it a Mistake, and that shall reprieve the Windows.

The two men were executed; but at the moment when Mary Dyer was standing, calm and resigned, with the rope around her neck, expecting to be launched into eternity, a reprieve arrived, and the victim was released.

You shall have a reprieve to bring him us.

O Sir Richard, I will not; O Lord, I will not charge you for all the world; butbutbut for the warrant the old King sign'd to reprieve the porter of the Fleet!

And now a fellow, whom the King would save By a reprieve, this fellow says, is hang'd.

If thou hadst done it, I'd have justified it; But, Richard, I conceit this jest already: This mad-mate Skink, this honest merry knave, Meeting this Pursuivant, and hearing tell He had a warrant to reprieve a slave Whom we would hang, stole it away from him.

They might likewise imagine, my lords, that a criminal, encouraged by a fortunate escape to a repetition of his guilt, would undoubtedly some time fall into the hands of the law, though not extended on purpose to seize him; and, therefore, they constituted their proceedings in such a manner, that innocence might at least not be entrapped, though guilt should sometimes gain a reprieve.

As little, my lords, am I affected with the merit of the wonderful skill which the distillers are said to have attained: it is, in my opinion, no faculty of great use to mankind, to prepare palatable poison; nor shall I ever contribute my interest for the reprieve of a murderer, because he has, by long practice, obtained great dexterity in his trade.

I cannot, my lords, yet discover, why a reprieve is desired for this manufacture; why the present year is not equally propitious to the reformation of mankind as any will be that may succeed it.

" So Ida turned away quickly, that the sister might not see her tears, and accepted the reprieve.

The decision of the Court had come as an unexpected reprieve and the ruin of my friends' prospects was at least postponed.

The letter was all too short, and I devoured it over and over again with the eagerness of a condemned man reading a reprieve: "My Dear Paul, "Forgive me for leaving you so abruptly this afternoon, and leaving you so unhappy, too.

What a reprieve in that!

Why, then, because the Law makes me his Judge, Ile be, like you, not cruell, but reprieve him; My prisoner shall kisse mercy.

Louis grasped them nervously, hastily read them, and then more slowly, like one who might read a sentence of death to see if there was one word or sentence on which he might hang a hope of reprieve.

This is common sense, no doubt, always provided that the Hun does not misinterpret his reprieve, and, instead of laying golden eggs for our benefit, resume the practice of the goose-step.

This was a decidedly better suggestion, a reprieve, in fact, as prior to this remark my bedroom for the night looked like being a borrowed ground sheet slung over some charred rafters which were leaning against a wall in the yard.

A reprieve however was obtained, and perhaps some new stratagem might have succeeded another spring; but my uncle unhappily made amorous advances to my mother's maid, who, to promote so advantageous a match, discovered the secret with which only she had been entrusted.

The queen sent a reprieve for Essex, but Burleigh took care that it came too late, and the earl was beheaded as a traitor.

There was to be one more night of his reprieve from solitude.

He stood looking out a long time, held by the weak spirit of a hope that some reprieve might come, from within or from on high.

New straits inevitably developed for the dupe; the interest kept piling up; hence new concessions, still more ruinous than the first, that don Jaime might be placated and give the purchaser a month's reprieve.

Grandma gets a reprieve.

R607636. Reprieve.

A reprieve from death itself or the blood of his fellow man upon his hands had been met and passed.

204 examples of  reprieve  in sentences