12 examples of reprover in sentences

The severity of reproof is tempered, and the reprover's anger disguised thereby.

Detractor N. detractor, reprover; censor, censurer; cynic, critic, caviler, carper, word-catcher, frondeur; barracker^. defamer, backbiter, slanderer, Sir Benjamin Backbite, lampooner, satirist, traducer, libeler, calumniator, dawplucker^, Thersites^; Zoilus; good-natured friend [Iron.]; reviler, vituperator, castigator; shrew &c 901; muckraker. disapprover,

Besides it is a jeering and flouting vice, and apt to put jests on the reprover.

What a dreadful state, when man's conscience ceases to be his reprover!

He is at pains to present to us the magnificent Chancellor, the bosom friend of the King, and mild reprover of his vices; and then, without the smallest transition, hey presto!

While, therefore, John the Baptist, with marked fidelity and great power, acted among the Jews the part of a reprover, he found no occasion to repeat and apply the language of his predecessors,[B] in exposing and rebuking idolatry and slaveholding.

While, therefore, John the Baptist; with marked fidelity and great power, acted among the Jews the part of a reprover, he found no occasion to repeat and apply the language of his predecessors, in exposing and rebuking idolatry and slaveholding.

While, therefore, John the Baptist, with marked fidelity and great power, acted among the Jews the part of a reprover, he found no occasion to repeat and apply the language of his predecessors,[B] in exposing and rebuking idolatry and slaveholding.

While, therefore, John the Baptist; with marked fidelity and great power, acted among the Jews the part of a reprover, he found no occasion to repeat and apply the language of his predecessors, in exposing and rebuking idolatry and slaveholding.

Will not then God make that suffering but as a blessed reprover to bring me nearer Himself?

His consciousness of his own wickedness incited him to attack his faithful reprover with open insolence and printed accusations.

" "Your discipline would deprive many a beauty of the means of using her power," returned la demoiselle, smiling, as much at the folly of her recent fears, as with affection for her reprover.

12 examples of  reprover  in sentences