74 examples of requirement for in sentences

"Is this remorse," she queried, "or a convivially induced requirement for bromides?

But positive science declares the following to be the indispensable requirement for the regeneration of human ideals: Without an ideal, neither an individual nor a collectivity can live, without it humanity is dead or dying.

The subject matter of his Paradise Lost satisfied the romantic requirement for strangeness and strong feeling.

It was matter for surprise to many that this scientist, whose intellectual gifts had been spoiled by a too lively imagination, should have remained at Plassans, this out-of-the-way town where it seemed as if every requirement for his studies must be wanting.

It is five years more than the requirement for membership in the House.

It was indeed only by accident that the animal failed to fulfill the technical requirement for perfect solution of the problem in this series.

The next requirement for the carrying on of the administration was the unification of weights and measures and, a surprising thing to us, of the gauge of the tracks for wagons.

The postal currency was well printed on substantial paper, but in connection with the large requirement for handling that is always placed upon small currency, these little paper notes became very dirty and were easily used up.

"Towards the end of the War," he continued, "when there was no further requirement for mortars, I wrote to Mr. Lincoln and asked whether I might buy a mortar with its bed.

Grant's suggestion that the United States had no requirement for the horses of Lee's army and that the men might find these convenient for "spring ploughing" was received by Lee with full appreciation.

Requirements for certification of school teachers and administrators for elementary schools, secondary schools and Junior colleges.

Summaries of theses accepted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of philosophy, 1942 (Harvard University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences)

Requirements for certification of teachers and administrators for elementary schools, secondary schools, junior colleges.

Cornell University abstracts of theses accepted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the doctor's degree, 1941.

Requirements for certification of teachers and administrators for elementary schools, secondary schools, junior colleges, 1943-44. SEE WOELLNER, ROBERT CARLTON.

WOELLNER, ROBERT CARLTON. Requirements for certification of teachers and administrators for elementary schools, secondary schools, junior colleges, 1945-46, by Robert Carlton Woellner & M. Aurilla Wood.

Summaries of theses accepted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of philosophy, 1942 (Harvard University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences)

Requirements for certification of teachers and administrators for elementary schools, secondary schools, and junior colleges.

Requirements for certification of teachers.

The percentage of reserves henceforth required of all member banks (as above indicated) is a substantial reduction of the former requirement for national banks.

The first requirement for a nucleus is a tolerable climate, primarily a satisfactory balance between heat and cold.

Seventh, and in some ways, the most important requirement for the establishing of an empire or a civilization nucleus, is the presence of a will to live, a will to grow, a will to advance, competence in management, and a dogged persistence that will remain constant through generations or centuries of adversity, and still more demanding, through long periods of security, comfort and affluence.

Our concern, at this point, lies primarily with the first eight of these requirements for survival and success in building up empires and civilizations.

This statement is less a requirement for success in organizing the nucleus of a civilization, than a generalization about the natural and social milieu out of which competing nuclei arise.

He has been exempted from that requirement for the reason that his duties are mainly diplomatic.

74 examples of  requirement for  in sentences