698 examples of resolutely in sentences

If they must have an outlet for their ribaldry, let them take PUNCHINELLO'S advice and select such instances as that recently furnished in Sacramento, where a hen took charge of a nest of kittens, and resolutely maintained it against the parent cat.

That Johnnie Consadine should have fallen away all at once from that higher course she had so eagerly chosen and so resolutely maintained, had been to Gray a disappointment whose depth and bitterness somewhat surprised him.

" "I will render it with my own lips," resolutely exclaimed Ananda.

The cavalry becoming acquainted with the designs of the Gauls and feeling themselves supported, advanced resolutely in squadrons toward this plain, which was surrounded with ambushes on all sides.

Fearing no longer any attack from without, he set resolutely to work to continue his circumvallation.

She resolutely took pen and paper, but the least thing seemed to distract her attentionthe coronet on the note-paper cost her five minutes of far-off reflection.

I therefore let go the cord, and, leaving the hooks fixed to the ships, I resolutely cut with my knife the cables that fastened the anchors, receiving about two hundred shots in my face and hands; then I took up the knotted end of the cables, to which my hooks were tied, and with great ease drew fifty of the enemy's largest men-of-war after me.

Once a kite hovering over the garden made a stoop at me, and if I had not resolutely drawn my hanger, and run under a thick espalier, he would have certainly carried me away in his talons.

For it is by the most vigorous, most strenuous, and most commanding souls and minds that this faith in the Eternal Beauty has been cherished and upheld most ardently and resolutely.

Julia, her head held high, kept her eyes resolutely away from Sadie.

I once resolved to starve myself into growing thin; and, to Mammy's great surprise, refused to taste the dinner she handed me, and resolutely persisted in going to bed without my supper.

Mr. Tenniel is the only artist, who has drawn for me, who resolutely refused to use a model, and declared he no more needed one than I should need a multiplication-table to work a mathematical problem!"

You say of him"But little attracted to the most recent schools of German philosophy, he stands almost as resolutely aloof from the tendencies of transcendental Pantheism as from the narrower ecstasies of Neo-Catholicism."

Many were killed, and for three hours the contest was resolutely maintained.

What a fool I am," she cried aloud, springing up resolutely.

She went to her dressing table and resolutely unlocked one of the drawers, as one would open a case in which the most precious of treasures was kept.

"However disagreeable the task, we must resolutely perform our duty.

This is resolutely denied by all the speakers, excepting Crites; the regulation of the unities is condemned, as often leading to greater absurdities than those they were designed to obviate; and the classic authors are censured for the cold and trite subjects of their comedies, the bloody and horrible topics of many of their tragedies, and their deficiency in painting the passion of love.

And as they had had enough of shops and crowds they set off resolutely along the desolate Embankment homeward.

Tears came into her eyes; she forced them resolutely back and hastened upstairs to tell Nyoda that her hour was up and she must get up and begin to dress.

"I'll go and see, anyway," Sahwah decided resolutely, "and if she is there I'll make her come back with me, and if she isn't, there's no harm done by going.

And he marched resolutely toward the harbor, passing over railroad tracks outlining the walls of long storehouses and winding in and out among mountains of merchandise.

The words of the Fire Song echoed again in her ears: "Whoso shall stand By this hearthstone Flame fanned, Shall never stand alone!" Gladys turned and fled to her room and resolutely began to unclasp the fasteners of her butterfly dress.

Now, thought Migwan resolutely, they would have something else to be proud about.

Stung as though some one had pointed an accusing finger at her, Migwan flung down her pen in despair and resolutely blotted her paper.

698 examples of  resolutely  in sentences