2973 examples of respond in sentences

She caught her breath, and for a moment seemed unable to respond.

When finally, through sheer exhaustion, she dropped on the side of the bed, the devil prompted French Charlie to respond in kind.

Mrs. Carey often found herself leaning on Nancy nowadays; not as a dead weight, but with just the hint of need, just the suggestion of confidence, that youth and strength and buoyancy respond to so gladly.

She did not repulse me, but she did not respond to my affection.

"If we compare a man's body to a building, calling the steel frame-work his skeleton and the furnace and power station his digestive organs and lungs, the nervous system would include, with other things, the thermometers, heat regulators, electric buttons, door-bells, valve-openers,the parts of the building, in short, which are specifically designed to respond to influences of the environment."

Most people would respond, without thought, the latter, and, as a matter of fact, most memorizing takes place in this way.

Changes occur in heart beat, breathing; various glandular secretions are affected, the digestive organs respond.

When they will no longer respond, their sensitivity may be renewed by washing them in dilute alcohol or in a weak salt solution that will dissolve the products of fatigue.

If the cartographer were to call out from the beach to the surfer and ask him whether he is above or below the 43rd parallel, the surfer would be unable to respond.

In each case, the solution of the problem depends upon the perception of a certain constant relation among a series of objects to which the subject is required to attend and respond.

It is therefore impossible for him to react to spatial relations in the ordinary sense and manner, and unless he can perceive and appropriately respond to the particular relation which constitutes the only constant characteristic of the correct reaction-mechanism for a particular problem, he cannot solve the problem, or at least cannot solve it ideationally and on the basis of a small number of observations or trials.

That most weak and undecided of all judges, Pilate, had several times repeated these dastardly words: 'I find no crime in him: I will chastise him, therefore, and let him go;' to which the Jews had continued to respond, 'Crucify him!

This sleep-walking had been suggested to you and you had brooded upon the suggestion until you were bound to respond.

Mr. Wilks, somewhat reassured, favoured Miss Nugent with a wink to which, although she had devoted much time in trying to acquire the art, she endeavoured in vain to respond.

Lawrence claimed that he belonged to that none too rare class of prominent citizens who once every so often respond to the call of the wild within them by going to a nearby city where they are not known and giving themselves over to the dubious delights of a spree.

It embarrassed her to feel that she was expected to be "queer" and "different," to respond to pass-words and talk in innuendo, to associate with the equivocal and the subterranean and affect to despise the ingenuous daylight joys which really satisfied her soul.

But in the strange twilight-world of unconsciousness he could neither know of nor respond to her kiss.

Already his leg muscles were failing him, refusing to the respond to the impulse of his nerves.

The wilderness moon is the moon of desire; and all this great space of silence seemed to respond.

The column on each side of the choir is later than the east respond and also later than the west tower pier, but corresponds with the east tower pier.

He came home, searched the Scriptures once more, accepted a "call," and made an attempt to respond to it.

They recognize its certain consequences and yet they respond freely, fiercely.

It remains to be seen how Turkey and Bulgaria will respond to the urgent appeals of their exacting master.

" When Mr. Jefferson rose to respond, then, indeed, was heard eloquence.

At first Lemm did not respond to his embraceeven put him aside with his elbow.

2973 examples of  respond  in sentences