32 examples of restated in sentences

As the great Ecumenical Council was convened for missionary progress, so the times are now ripe for the assembling of a historic Theological Council, to revise and restate, not one denominational catechism, but the creed of Christendom; to provide a new literary expression of the Christian faith.

Restate in concrete terms such generalizations as the following: Experience is the best teacher.

If the gentleman can the consent of his second, the chair will the motion as he restates it.

In these frequent talks about the books I read, he used, as opportunity offered, to give me explanations and ideas respecting civilization, government, morality, mental cultivation, which he required me afterwards to restate to him in my own words.

The paradox falls directly we restate the proposition thus: both poet and philosopher draw their power from the energy of their mental visionan energy which disengages the mind from the somnolence of habit and from the pressure of obtrusive sensations.

And the writing of that parchment, sealed with the seal of Saint Mark, stood thus: "Essendo state levate le Censure è restate parimente rivocato il Protesto."

He restates all he before said on the other points, and still wishes his letter to go to the King.

I may as well here restate the facts as I communicated them to Zaleski.

He had acknowledged his mistakes, but had restated his theory so as to show that it was left intact in spite of them; and he had even found cases in which Ziphius, Microps, Scrag Whale the explorer, and other Cetaceans of unanswerable authority, were decidedly at issue with Grampus.

The knowledge that flows from observation and the reasoning from the facts it records, is never more than relatively true, it is always limited by the facts, and any addition to the facts requires the whole thing to be restated.

It would not surprise his contemporaries if Horace restated maxims of Philodemus when writing an essay to the son and grandsons of Philodemus' patron.

He sat down and explained to her by what means, trying, as best he could, to restate the particulars of Moffatt's deal; and her manifest ignorance of business methods had the effect of making his vagueness appear less vague.

After you arrive here, and We have conversed together, I will restate the project of a more extended expedition, agreeably to your suggestions, and submit it to the department.

In vain I stated and restated to him my plans.

Let me try to restate it in concise terms.

I will briefly restate what appear to be the conditions under which wild animals may become domesticated:1, they should be hardy; 2, they should have an inborn liking for man; 3, they should be comfort-loving; 4, they should be found useful to the savages; 5, they should breed freely; 6, they should be easy to tend.

In this hour of his utmost failure, with blood and disaster upon his hands, and the rich promise of still more horrible disaster, with the gigantic destinies of the world towering and toppling over him, he was capable of a belief that by sheer exertion of his voice, by explaining and qualifying and restating, he might yet reconstitute his power.

The growing excitement of the Charleston populace and the increasing danger to the forts are restated with emphasis.

But as he contradicted himself flatly in trying to restate his discourse, and refused to let us see his sermon, those who heard him were disgusted with his sophistry and tergiversation.

Through conversation and reading we learn what others think, and it is often of value to restate these ideas.

Notice how by specific instances the following selection illustrates the truth of the generalization set forth in the second sentence and restated in the last sentence.

C. Can you restate the following propositions so that the meaning of each will be made more definite?

+Theme XCVI.+Write out an argument favoring one of the propositions as restated in Exercise C above.

Calmly and in a suppressed voice he restated his case, and, with a few welldirected blows, demolished the legal aspects of the defence.

Let us restate them:

32 examples of  restated  in sentences