349 examples of retainers in sentences

Its beautiful halls and chambers, rich with marbles and mosaics, its "Pearl" musjid, its delicious gardens, its shady summer-houses, its fountains, and all its walks and pleasure-grounds, are neglected, abused, and occupied by the filthy retainers of an effete court.

As barons they had knight-service to perform; and this condition of their tenures naturally surrounded them with armed retainers.

A quarrel ensued between the retainers of the bishops and those of Alain, Earl of Brittany, about a right to quarters; and the quarrel went on to a battle, in which men were slain on both sides.

Stephen, with more justice than discretion, is of opinion that bishops are not doing their duty when they build castles, ride about in armor, with crowds of retainers, and are not at all scrupulous in appropriating some of the booty of a lawless time.

If my memory serves me, on one occasion I had ninety-four of these special retainers delivered at my chambers.

In a sense he had become my retainer; and we Lyndons are not given to deserting our retainers under any circumstances.

As Dover was guarded by the King's retainers, who might harm him, he landed at Sandwich, his own town.

But having assembled all his retainers, he openly joined his force to that of the Londoners, and to Stephen's mercenary troops, who had not yet evacuated the kingdom; and he besieged Matilda in Winchester.

Throughout that large collection of letters, which bears the name of St. Thomas, we find, in all the retainers of the aspiring prelate, no less than in himself, a most entire and absolute conviction of the reason and piety of their own party, and a disdain of their antagonists: nor is there less cant and grimace in their style, when they address each other, than when they compose manifestos for the perusal of the public.

The monks and retainers of Archbishop Richard fell upon Roger, in the presence of the cardinal and of the synod, threw him to the ground, trampled him under foot, and so bruised him with blows that he was taken up half dead, and his life was with difficulty saved from their violence.

No jewels or gold ornaments even at Court; but the nobles have handsome palaces, and large bodies of retainers.

They were still followed by their armed retainers, and had almost unlimited jurisdiction in their respective governments.

They assassinated their enemies, filled the cities with their armed retainers, and made war even on the government; so that all central power was a mockery.

(1485-1509), the first of the Tudor line of monarchs, came to the throne, there were no powerful nobles with their retainers to hold the king in check.

The less important barons swore homage to the great barons, and the knights, squires, retainers, and yeomen swore homage to the lesser barons.

Thus, if a man rebelled against his lord, all of his knights, retainers, etc., must rebel also.

The major was always kind and considerate to these old family retainers, brought up in the feudal atmosphere now so rapidly passing away.

These occupied the fortified cities, were the most inveterate heathenthe aristocracy of idolatry, the kings, the nobility and gentry, the priests, with their crowds of satellite, and retainers that aided in idolatrous rites, and the military forces, with the chief profligates of both sexes.

These last occupied the fortified cities, were the most inveterate heathenthe aristocracy of idolatry, the kings, the nobility and gentry, the priests, with their crowds of satellites, and retainers that aided in idolatrous rites, and the military forces, with the chief profligates of both sexes.

Come we then to Tunbridge Castle, built by De Tonbridge, a kinsman of the Conqueror, who came with the invaders to share the spoil of their victory: "here, it is said, he congregated his retainers and vassals.

It is perfectly fair, when Catholics talk of the atheist Terror, to rejoin that the retainers of Anjou and Montpensier slew more men and women on the first day of the Saint Bartholomew, than perished in Paris through the Years I. and II.

The precedent for the latter is to be found in the early English legislation against retainers; that is to say, the armed private guard, or "livery," of the great noblemen; whence is derived the custom of putting servants in livery.

Behind the dwelling were the manufactories and huts of the Indian retainers.

It yielded precedence only to St Albans, and the abbot was said never to travel abroad with a retinue of less than 100 retainers.

It lays bare to our eyes the entire machinery of the household, and we gain a clearer insight from it than from the rest of the group of treatises, not merely into what a great man of those days and his family and retainers ate and drank, and how they used to behave themselves at table, but into the process of making various drinks, the mystery of carving, and the division of duties among the members of the staff.

349 examples of  retainers  in sentences