7662 examples of retired in sentences

Within a barn, from noise retired, He scorned the world, himself admired; And, like an ancient sage, concealed The follies public life revealed.

Henry can seldom have lived here, but hither his daughter, Mary I., retired, after her husband Philip left England for Spain, and here she died, November 17, 1558.

He first took lodgings in Exeter-street in the Strand, but soon retired to Greenwich, for the sake of completing his tragedy, which he used to compose, walking in the Park.

His father dying soon after his birth, the care of his education devolved on his mother and his maternal uncle, Thomas Owen, Esq. a lawyer who had retired from practice to his seat in Buckinghamshire, and who, having no children of his own, adopted his nephew.

After we were seated, he again retired to his lounge.

andurriales, m. pl., by-roads, retired spots, out-of-the-way places. anegarse, to be inundated (or submerged).

They retired quickly, and the soldiers and guards laughed and made game of them.

Mrs. Silk retired for a space, and returning with a jug of ale poured him out a glass and set it by his elbow.

The queen with her own maids alone Retired within her palace walls For purity in Erech's halls.

On that day, after having engaged in a slight contest, and with inflamed minds, they retired, the Romans to the city, the Carthaginians to their camp.

The enemy therefore immediately retired from Rhegium.

These, as they were straggling in a careless manner, Hanno surprising, retorted upon his enemy a defeat not much less disastrous than he had himself received at Beneventum, and then hastily retired to the territory of the Bruttians, lest Gracchus should overtake him.

Hippocrates and Epicydes, perceiving that the enemy were getting possession of the walls and breaking open the gates, retired with a few others into the citadel, from which they fled unobserved during the night to Herbessus.

The Carthaginians retired thence to the city Auringis, whither the Romans followed them, in order to take advantage of their terror.

What joy of human companionship was to be had out of Mrs. Tabb and Miss Hoogencamp, the two middle-aged gossips from Scranton, Pa.out of Mr. and Mrs. Biggle, an indurated head-bookkeeper and his prim and censorious wifeout of old Major Halkit, a retired business man, who, having once sold a few shares on commission, wrote for circulars of every stock company that was started, and tried to induce every one to invest who would listen to him?

" "Perhaps they were scared of the aeroplane and have all retired into hiding," suggested Mr. Bradbury.

It was a lonesome spot, and certainly seemed retired enough to suit any plotters who might wish to transact their business unobserved.

As he retired with Patience, he observed to her, "Master Stephen looks quite well, though a little thinner.

When Doctor Hodges was gone, and the rest of the family had retired, she remarked to her husband, "Before you shut up the house as you propose, I should, wish one important matter settled.

" The subject was not further discussed, and the grocer and his wife shortly afterwards retired to rest.

She was still more perplexed when she saw the two strangers, and would have instantly retired if Bottesham had not detained her.

As soon as Bloundel had retired, Leonard, who had meanwhile provided himself with his cudgel, descended to the kitchen, where he dragged Pillichody from his hiding-place, and conducted him to the back door.

"Well, then," returned Leonard, "when the family have retired to rest, come downstairs, and I will tell you what to do.

" Half an hour after this, the grocer retired for the night; and Leonard, who had gone to his own room, cautiously opened the door, and repaired to the shop.

Driven almost to desperation, he retired a few paces, and surveyed the walls of the vast structure, in the hope of descrying some point by which he might obtain an entrance.

7662 examples of  retired  in sentences