24 examples of retrogressive in sentences

The list of odd jobs which fall to his lot would be ridiculous, were not their influence upon his life and work so retrogressive and so sad.

The civilization of the country, in one sense at least, is retrogressive, and the people, as they cannot go 'up,' betray a disposition to go 'down.'

Yet it may unquestionably bring about definite retrogressive changes in the secondary sex characters: reduction or loss of virility, diminution of facial and body hair, and a general presenility or hastening of senility.

And he held that they were not a progressive but a retrogressive society; that their statutes still held good.

This third parallel series, therefore, instead of being direct as are the other two, is reversed, and the degeneration of the antler, which we have seen taking place in the southern deer, has followed backward on the line of previous advance, or, in biological language, appears to be a true case of retrogressive evolutionrepresenting the fossil series, as it were, in a mirror.

This is the atavistic type of criminals which represents an involutionary, or retrogressive, form of abnormality, due to an arrested development or an atavistic reversion to a savage and primitive type.

There are certain races, such as the Hottentot, the Malay, the American Indian, and mixed bloods, as the Mexican peons and Mongol-Slavs of a portion of the southeastern Europe, that, so far as recorded history is concerned, are either static or retrogressive.

Adj. receding &c v.; retrograde, retrogressive; regressive, refluent^, reflex, recidivous, resilient; crab-like; balky; reactionary &c 277.

at a low ebb, in a bad way, on one's last legs; undermined, deciduous; nodding to its fall &c (destruction) 162; tottering &c (dangerous) 665; past cure &c (hopeless) 859; fatigued &c 688; retrograde &c (retrogressive) 283; deleterious &c 649.

Hence it frequently happens that the course of science is retrogressive.

As the conditions in the successive periods of Spanish influence were recognized to be indicative of little progress, if not actually retrogressive, the practice grew up of correspondingly lowering the current estimates of the capacity of the Filipinos of the conquest, so that always an apparent advance appeared.

Slip of the screw, positive and negative slip; lateral and retrogressive slip.

By a retrogressive step the color-line was extended in 1861 in the case of marriage, which by statute was forbidden between a person of pure white blood and one having a visible admixture of African blood.

The retrogressives made much of the assertion that adult slaves lately imported, were, on account of their attachment to heathen practices and idolatrous rites, loath to take over the Teutonic civilization, and would at best learn to speak the English language imperfectly only.

But there, in a nettle-grown corner of a ruinous quarter, lay hidden till yesterday the Chapel of the Tombs: the last emanation of pure beauty of a mysterious, incomplete, forever retrogressive and yet forever forward-straining people.

Dora attempted to restrain her, but in spite of all her efforts was obliged to follow the retrogressive animal.

That the struggle would have then continued body to body there can be no doubt, had it not been for the fact that the Factor's retrogressive movement brought his knees sharply against the edge of a chair standing near the side of the table.

Hence all the Zola heredity and Ibsen heredity that has been written in our time affects me as not merely evil, but as essentially ignorant and retrogressive.

And he was explaining to them quite lucidly and convincingly that these slow, these even retrogressive methods would be very speedily quite put out of fashion by his discovery.

In addition to valuable investigations of fossil-bearing beds in the Argentine, he made some excellent general suggestions, such as that the pithecoid apes, like the baboons, do not stand in the line of man's ancestral stem but represent a divergence from it away from humanity and toward a retrogressive bestialization.

Hence the course of science is often retrogressive.

Florida, in a retrogressive mood, can recall the "nigger hunters" and "nigger stealers" of her childhood days.

But that of Louis Philippe was not a stagnant or retrogressive régime.

Further than this retrogressive and imitative movement he never seemed to go.

24 examples of  retrogressive  in sentences