6066 examples of revealing in sentences

Each dawn, revealing God's wondrous work, should hear God's praises in the most sublime words ever uttered, the Psalms (e.g., Dominus regnavit, Jubilate Deo, etc., etc.); 5. because God seems more disposed to hear prayers made at that hour.

The flame flares in wide, lurid curves, revealing the outlines of the sleeping man.

Saving at the entrance the vale was walled round by steep cliffs, for the most part waving with trees, but here and there revealing the naked crag.

But some plants, as we have already pointed out, were credited with the magic property of revealing the presence of witches, and of exposing them engaged in the pursuit of plying their nefarious calling.

He flung back his long drab greatcoat, revealing that beneath it he wore a suit of cinder-gray shade throughout, large heavy seals, of some metal or other that would take a polish, dangling from his fob as his only personal ornament.

She always tried hard to hold on to the original image, even if it did not in the least coincide with what her friends proved to be in reality and this brought on numberless fights with Kurt, who, with his usual shrewdness, could not help revealing to her the real state of affairs.

Yet the document is interesting as revealing the mind of Social Democratic Germany.

With the gauze he wiped the blood away from Darrin's cheek, revealing a surface cut of more width than depth.

So begins and so ends the Old Testament, revealing throughout The Lord.

This is the God which the book of Genesis goes on revealing and unveiling to us more and morea God in whom men may TRUST.

And he proceeded very prudently, only revealing the truth by slow degrees.

It opened at once, revealing the big body of a Celestial, evidently the Cerberus of the establishment.

Her slender figure, the head well poised upon shapely shoulders, suddenly straightened itself; her red lips parted, revealing a row of small, white teeth; her eyes were uplifted to meet the glance of her lover; her bosom rose and fell as Nal sprang from the fence and seized her hand.

These with a regularity almost religious, spent an hour of every day, weather permitting, splashing in the gentle surf or posing on the beach in costumes more or less revealing, according to the contour of the wearer.

Ina said "Darlingquiet!"chin a little lifted, lower lip revealing lower teeth for the word's completion; and she held it.

She had been so near revealing it to Beulah, that even now she trembled as she thought of the precipice over which she had been impending, strengthening her resolution by the recollection of the danger she had run.

Till then a voice is stealing From earth and sea and sky, And to the soul revealing Its immortality.

You could not torture me into revealing what you ask.

I grew as agitated as though the doctor were at that moment seated with the ministerand revealing to his astounded listener the history of my deceit and black ingratitude.

The National geographic magazine miniature reproductions of its world-revealing contents.

The revealing Christ.

The black clouds were scudding along the sky, revealing, in their occasional but transient rifts, some glimpses of the moon, that seemed unusually bright, or of a star that trembled with supernatural brilliancy.

Upright as darts, they walk with slightly swaying gesture, a slender brown arm upraised to support the big brass chatties on their heads, revealing an incredible collection of bangles on arms and ankles.

No; he could never marry without revealing what he was; and that he would never do because of loyalty to that tender ghost which he must shield for ever even as he would have shielded her in life.

Thee He'll make, his face revealing, Joyful in His house of prayer!

6066 examples of  revealing  in sentences