Do we say reviews or revues

reviews 474 occurrences

Making allowance for the fact that most of the poet's autobiographic sketches are emphatically "Dichtang und Wahrheit," we can believe that he was an omnivorous reader"I read eating, read in bed, read when no one else reads"and, having a memory only less retentive than Macaulay's, acquired so much general information as to be suspected of picking it up from Reviews.

The minor Reviews, representing middle-class respectability, were generally vituperative, and the higher authorities divided in their judgments.

It is true that the same article which reviews Payne's Brutus notices also, and with more indulgence, Sheil's Evadne: possibly Shelley glanced at the article very cursorily, and fancied that any eulogistic phrases which he found in it applied to Payne.

And Hunt was in bad odour with these reviews because he was a hostile politician, still more than because of any actual or assumed defects in his performances as an ordinary man of letters.

Describing the enormous losses on both sides in Poland, a neutral observer, Mr. Stanley Washburn, said in the American Review of Reviews: "The German program contemplated taking both Warsaw and Ivangorod and the holding for the winter of the line between the two formed by the Vistula.

The skilful nymph reviews her force with care: Let spades be trumps!

" "Well, it just came to me, Teddy, what a perfectly heavenly thing it would be to invite that little Mrs. Dawson, who writes reviews for one of the papers hereyou remember I told you about hershe is awfully clever and artistic and good-looking, and lives away off from every place, and her husband is not her equal at allperfectly illiterate, I hearduncultured anyway.

From the Literary Magazine, 1756.There are other reviews of books by Dr. Johnson, in this magazine, but, in general, very short, and consisting chiefly of a few introductory remarks, and an extract.

Suppose a man, with eyes like his neighbours, was told by a boasting corporal, that the troops, indeed, wore red clothes for their ordinary dress, but that every soldier had likewise a suit of black velvet, which he put on when the King reviews them.

There was no silver in it, but only some fifteen or twenty sovereigns, which he that day received as payment for some bitter reviews in a leading religious periodical.

On the sideboard was a basket, as yet unpacked, filled with hothouse fruit, and on a low settee by the side of one of the easy-chairs were a little pile of reviews, several volumes of poetry, and a couple of library books.

As it had been a favourite portion of the scheme formerly talked of, that part of the work should be devoted to reviewing the other Reviews, this article of my father's was to be a general criticism of the Edinburgh Review from its commencement.

I was myself the most frequent writer of all, having contributed, from the second number to the eighteenth, thirteen articles; reviews of books on history and political economy, or discussions on special political topics, as corn laws, game laws, law of libel.

They came from various quarters: from the writings of Coleridge, which I had begun to read with interest even before the change in my opinions; from the Coleridgians with whom I was in personal intercourse; from what I had read of Goethe; from Carlyle's early articles in the Edinburgh and Foreign Reviews, though for a long time I saw nothing in these (as my father saw nothing in them to the last) but insane rhapsody.

I wrote nearly all the articles on French subjects, including a weekly summary of French politics, often extending to considerable length; together with many leading articles on general politics, commercial and financial legislation, and any miscellaneous subjects in which I felt interested, and which were suitable to the paper, including occasional reviews of books.

He also approved of an article which I published in the first number following the junction of the two reviews, the essay reprinted in the Dissertations, under the title "Civilization"; into which I threw many of my new opinions, and criticised rather emphatically the mental and moral tendencies of the time, on grounds and in a manner which I certainly had not learnt from him.

I myself and several frequent contributors gave our labour gratuitously, as we had done for Molesworth; but the paid contributors continued to be remunerated on the usual scale of the Edinburgh and Quarterly Reviews; and this could not be done from the proceeds of the sale.

In my school-days we called such minor weekly or fortnightly matters as these, "reviews.

When one reviews the negotiations at Paris from December, 1918, to June, 1919, the secretiveness which characterized them is very evident.


Court balls, receptions, gala performances at opera and theatre, and military reviews followed each other in bewildering but well-ordered confusion, and Morse, as a man of worldwide celebrity, took part in all of them.

For a portion of these expenditures vouchers were rendered, from which it appears that they were incurred in the purchase of some hundred thousand copies of newspapers, reports and speeches made in Congress, reviews of the veto message and reviews of speeches against the bank, etc.

For a portion of these expenditures vouchers were rendered, from which it appears that they were incurred in the purchase of some hundred thousand copies of newspapers, reports and speeches made in Congress, reviews of the veto message and reviews of speeches against the bank, etc.

From this lofty eyrie they could witness reviews of the troops and catch glimpses of the gay cavalcades that came in and out of the fortress, and in a small courtyard was a bazar where certain favored merchants from the city were allowed to come and exhibit goods to the ladies of the court.

The publishers wish to acknowledge their indebtedness to the New York Times, The Review of Reviews and The Athenaeum for courteous permission to reprint articles from their pages.

revues 20 occurrences

*** We are sorry to find The Globe making playful reference to the many postponements of certain music-hall revues.


Some you took to supper and to the naughty revues.

In the center of the lawn was a kiosk, and on the four sides the rue de Rivoli, the garden of the Cercle Militaire, the grounds of the former palace of the Pomarés, now the executive offices, and the pavilion of the Revues.

By the way, can you give me a rhyme for "Camouflage"? DEAR SIR,I began writing lyrics for ragtime revues, because I wanted to see what would happen if I just took hold of the pen and let her rip.

So there are no revues, operas, or comedies.

There was the orchestra against the back-cloth, rendering selections from popular Pekin revues on the drum, cymbal and one-stringed fiddle.

I won't count the revues I've been in; they're more like a variety show than a regular theatrical performance, any nicht in the week.

Revues, a book of short sketches.

Traduction, introduction et notes revues par A. Tricot.

Traduction, introduction et notes revues par A. Tricot.

Traduction, introduction et notes revues par A. Tricot.

Traduction, introduction et notes revues par A. Tricot.

Traduction, introduction et notes revues par A. Tricot.

Revues, a book of short sketches.

Traduction, introduction et notes revues par A. Tricot.

Traduction, introduction et notes revues par A. Tricot.

Traduction, introduction et notes revues par A. Tricot.

Traduction, introduction et notes revues par A. Tricot.

Traduction, introduction et notes revues par A. Tricot.

Do we say   reviews   or  revues