35 examples of rheum in sentences

Turkey rhubarb, the well-known medicinal drug, is the root of a very elegant plant (Rheum palmatum), coming to greatest perfection in Tartary.

Pergite porro, my good children,[60] and multiply the sins of your absurdities, till you come to the full measure of the grand hiss, and you shall hear how we shall purge rheum with censuring your imperfections.

[Halliwell, in his "Dictionary," v. rheum (s.), defines it to mean spleen, caprice.

saliva, spittle, rheum; ptyalism^, salivation, catarrh; diarrhoea; ejecta, egesta [Biol.], sputa; excreta; lava; exuviae &c (uncleanness) 653 [Lat.].

fluid, inelastic fluid; liquid, liquor; lymph, humor, juice, sap, serum, blood, serosity^, gravy, rheum, ichor^, sanies^; chyle [Med.].

Water N. water; serum, serosity^; lymph; rheum; diluent; agua [Sp.], aqua, pani^. dilution, maceration, lotion; washing &c v.; immersion^, humectation^, infiltration, spargefaction^, affusion^, irrigation, douche, balneation^, bath.

And here, behind a tableful of papers, sat our steward, Simon Stout-in-faith, a most withered, lean old man, clothed all in leather, wearing no wig but his own rusty grey hair falling lank on his shoulders, with a sour face of a very jaundiced complexion, and pale eyes that seemed to swim in a yellowish rheum, which he was for ever a-mopping with a rag.

They are fatter than others that are melancholy, of a muddy complexion, apter to spit, [2560] sleep, more troubled with rheum than the rest, and have their eyes still fixed on the ground.

You are afterwhat? Aconite, hellebore, pulsatilla, rheum.

For well I knew the world had those, Whose sight, by learning clear'd of rheum, Could pierce with ease the thickest gloom.

One whose eyes, as much as can be seen of them, are streaky fat floating in semi-liquid rheum.

No trembling of the hands, no rheum in the eyes, no knocking together of the knees, no hobbling on crutches with what polite society terms rheumatism in the feet, but what everybody knows is nothing but gout.

Its use undeniably produces scrofula, salt-rheum, tetter, ringworm, humors in the blood, rheumed eyes, enlarged glands, sore eyes, and lastly, cancer.

Scrofula, salt-rheum, and ophthalmia, are among the chief developments at the North.

Her Eyes with scalding Rheum were gall'd and red, Cold Palsy shook her Head; her Hands seem'd wither'd; And on her crooked Shoulders had she

You Lunas have always been delicate; your father, long before he was my age, could barely walk, and was always complaining of rheum and of the damp in this garden.

It is wet Sir, Lord how it brings down Rheum! Wel.

Farwell old Adage, keep your nose warm, the Rheum will make it horn else

The best thing for the rheum Sir, That falls into your worships eyes.

Of all green wounds I know the remedies In Men or Cattel, be they stung with Snakes, Or charm'd with powerful words of wicked Art, Or be they Love-sick, or through too much heat Grown wild or Lunatick, their eyes or ears Thickned with misty filme of dulling Rheum, These I can Cure, such secret vertue lies In Herbs applyed by a Virgins hand:

Thy heart lies festering in the rheum that exuviates from its foul surroundings.

They died of disease, sarampion, rheum, smallpox, and ill-usage, or escaped to other islands with the Caribs.

256. RHEUM palmatum.

Rheum Rhaponticum.

246 Rheum Rhaponticum Rhapontic Rhubarb c.m. 247 - undulatum Waved-leaved ditto c.m. 248 - palmatum Palmated-leaved ditto c.m. 249 - tataricum Tartarian ditto c.m. 250 - hybridum Bastard ditto c.m. 251 - compactum Compact ditto c.m

35 examples of  rheum  in sentences