49 examples of rhythmically in sentences

It was a fast boatthe Record, which prided itself on outdistancing its contemporaries in other directions, would of course try to do so in thisand when she got fairly into her stride, with her engines throbbing rhythmically, the shore on either hand slipped past us rapidly.

The sentence or period was considered more rhythmically than logically, and subdivided in speech into rhythmical parts called commas and cola.

In the uncanny silence that followed the sound of her voice, the sawing noise sounded regularly, rhythmically.

He sat forward in his chair, rested one elbow upon his untidy desk, and for several moments of silence jabbed an inky pen rhythmically into the largest rutabaga ever grown in Slocum County.

For the rest, his fists were clenched, his ears quivering, and the muscles of his jaw rotating rhythmically, as if he were making an early supper off something.

After a little he spoke more rhythmically.

From beneath the full skirt peeped a little slippered foot, which tapped the floor rhythmically as the chair rocked to and fro.

She was still talking, her face alive with interest; and the fan was still tapping rhythmically, steadily, now on the arm of her chair.

But there are many little clauses which sound rhythmically and agreeably.

For when like is referred to like, or contrary opposed to contrary, or when words which sound alike are compared to other words, whatever sentence is wound up in that manner must usually sound rhythmically.

And therefore the speeches of those men who do not end their sentences rhythmically seem to me like the motions of those whom the Greeks call [hapalaistrous].

By Lake Como's sylvan shore, Where the wavelets evermore Seem to rhythmically murmur of the classic days of yore, Cease, O boatman, now to row!

Marching at the horse's bridle, lean brown grooms in white tunics rhythmically waved long strips of white linen to keep off the flies from the Imperial Presence, and beside the motionless rider, in a line with his horse's flank, rode the Imperial Parasol-bearer, who held above the sovereign's head a great sunshade of bright green velvet.

He marched down the street, his shoulders swinging rhythmically to the weight of the burden he carriedhis black leather hand-bag and the shiny tan sample case, battle-scarred, both, from many encounters with ruthless porters and 'bus men and bell boys.

There was a chorus of sounds from the cataract, the river, the wind, the trees, and the birds, a mighty music of elements of the earth and of life, rising and falling rhythmically, and inspiring, but nerve-racking.

Outside, hushing him to rest, there sounded the sibilant rain, and from the sea below ripples broke gently and rhythmically on the pebbly beach.

When he fights he has learnt that his fighting men shall march in rhythm and deploy rhythmically, and they do so to regimental music.

In Composite verse, of any form, the stress must be laid rhythmically, as in the simple orders, else the composition will be nothing better than unnatural prose.

Once too he heard a footstep pass softly and rhythmically overhead, as if some watcher moved up and down the length of the upper deck.

Could it be that he was so finished as a cook, as a friend, as an indefatigableso rhythmically superior, that the packers took no offense at his aloofness?

Slowly, rhythmically, the blows fell.

The carpet also, which is not a true Oriental one, fails to rivet the attention, but gives a quiet satisfaction to the eye, which, as it were, casually glances over it, by its simple pattern, which is derived from Persian-Indian archetypes (Cashmere pattern, Indian palmettas), and which is ever rhythmically repeating itself (see Fig. 1).

Hurled against each other, flung rhythmically from side to side, they shared the blind trouble of the man and the torment of the mare.

He had a glass in one hand, a cigarette in the other, and he was raking his rowels rhythmically up and down the erstwhile varnished bar in buzzing accompaniment, the while he chanted with much enthusiasm: "How old is she, Billy boy, Billy boy? How old is she, charming Billy?

They are in essence the soul in its fulness of life and sympathy, pouring itself rhythmically through every obstruction, before which the most solid becomes fluid, transparent, and radiant of itself.

49 examples of  rhythmically  in sentences