150 examples of ricardo in sentences

The same friendly encouragement induced Ricardo, a year or two later, to become a member of the House of Commons; where, during the remaining years of his life, unhappily cut short in the full vigour of his intellect, he rendered so much service to his and my father's opinions both on political economy and on other subjects.

Though Ricardo's great work was already in print, no didactic treatise embodying its doctrines, in a manner fit for learners, had yet appeared.

After this I read Ricardo, giving an account daily of what I read, and discussing, in the best manner I could, the collateral points which offered themselves in our progress.

My being an habitual inmate of my father's study made me acquainted with the dearest of his friends, David Ricardo, who by his benevolent countenance, and kindliness of manner, was very attractive to young persons, and who, after I became a student of political economy, invited me to his house and to walk with him in order to converse on the subject.

Mr. Grote was introduced to my father by Mr. Ricardo, I think in 1819 (being then about twenty-five years old), and sought assiduously his society and conversation.

Colonel Torrens himself wrote much of the political economy of his paper; and had at this time made an attack upon some opinion of Ricardo and my father, to which, at my father's instigation, I attempted an answer, and Coulson, out of consideration for my father and goodwill to me, inserted it.

I have already noticed how much of what was done by Ricardo, Hume, and Grote was the result, in part, of his prompting and persuasion.

Political economy had asserted itself with great vigour in public affairs, by the petition of the merchants of London for free trade, drawn up in 1820 by Mr. Tooke and presented by Mr. Alexander Baring; and by the noble exertions of Ricardo during the few years of his parliamentary life.

When we had finished in this way my father's Elements, we went in the same manner through Ricardo's Principles of Political Economy, and Bailey's Dissertation on Value.

The theory of International Values which I afterwards published, emanated from these conversations, as did also the modified form of Ricardo's Theory of Profits, laid down in my Essay on Profits and Interest.

Among the most notable of them was a Portuguese, Ricardo Franco, who spent forty years at the work, during the last quarter of the eighteenth and the opening years of the nineteenth centuries.

SEE New York (City) Metropolitan Museum of Art. MI MARIDO SE ABURRE, juguete comico en 3 actos y en prosa de Antonio Paso, Miguel Mihura Alvarez, y Ricardo González del Toro.

Version Española de Miguel Mihura y Ricardo Gonzalez del Torro.


Marion Rombauer Becker (A & C); 24May66; R386921. ROMERO, RICARDO.

Ricardo Romero & Xavier Cugat (A); 26Nov65; R381940. RONELL, ANN. SEE Deanna Durbin's Favorite Songs and Arias.

SEE Gruelle, John B. GUARDIA, RICARDO FERNÁNDEZ SEE Fernández Guardia, Ricardo.

SEE Gruelle, John B. GUARDIA, RICARDO FERNÁNDEZ SEE Fernández Guardia, Ricardo.

SEE Fernández Guardia, Ricardo. <pb id='059.png' /> Cup bearers of wine and hellebore.

SEE Levene, Ricardo.

Marion Rombauer Becker (A & C); 24May66; R386921. ROMERO, RICARDO.

Ricardo Romero & Xavier Cugat (A); 26Nov65; R381940. RONELL, ANN. SEE Deanna Durbin's Favorite Songs and Arias.


Edited with an introd. by Ricardo Quintana.

Ricardo Quintana (A); 25Apr75; R603129. R603130.

150 examples of  ricardo  in sentences