1040 examples of riddle in sentences

" II.The Riddle of Existence Josephine consulted Claes's notary, M. Pierquin, a young man and a relative of the family.

Demonstrate these two hypotheses, and you will hold in your hands the First Cause, the solution of the great riddle of existence.

It was his agony that he could not bequeath to science the solution of the great riddle which was only revealed to him as the veil was rent asunder by the hand of Death.

Perhaps those flags will solve the riddle.

and have called men to witness that they have read the riddle and have torn the secret from the heart of the great mystery.

People who pretend to read the riddle of our affairs in the pageant of the stars are deceiving themselves or are trying to deceive others.

[Lat.]; mystification &c (concealment) 528; latency &c 526; transcendentalism. paradox, oxymoron; riddle, enigma, puzzle &c (secret) 533; diagnus vindice nodus [Lat.]; sealed book; steganography^, freemasonry.

[Having a double sense] Equivocalness N. equivocalness &c adj.; double meaning &c 516; ambiguity, double entente, double entendre [Fr.], pun, paragram^, calembour^, quibble, equivoque [Fr.], anagram; conundrum &c (riddle) 533; play on words, word play &c (wit) 842; homonym, homonymy [Gramm.]; amphiboly^, amphibology^; ambilogy^, ambiloquy^. Sphinx, Delphic oracle.

enigma, riddle, puzzle, nut to crack, conundrum, charade, rebus, logogriph^; monogram, anagram; Sphinx; crux criticorum [Lat.].

lavatory, laundry, washhouse^; washerwoman, laundress, dhobi^, laundryman, washerman^; scavenger, dustman^, sweep; white wings brush [U.S.]; broom, besom^, mop, rake, shovel, sieve, riddle, screen, filter; blotter.

nice point, delicate point, subtle point, knotty point; vexed question, vexata quaestio [Lat.], poser; puzzle &c (riddle) 533; paradox; hard nut to crack, nut to crack; bone to pick, crux, pons asinorum

And in that thou makest great the clan of the Midylidai thou attainest unto the very praise which on a time the son of Oikleus spake in a riddle, when he saw at seven-gated Thebes the sons of the Seven standing to their spears, what time from Argos came the second race on their new enterprise.

Just guess this riddle.

[To his brother] Here's a riddle for you!

His heart seemed gripped by the void; he felt he could no longer live if his faith in the reason of men and their mutual love was destroyed, if he was forced to acknowledge that the Credo of his life and art rested on a mistake, that a dark pessimism was the answer to the riddle of the world.

On the whole he would have preferred not to have discovered the riddle at all; but having found it, he could not rest without an answer.

I had no children to dishonor; all save one who had ever loved me were dead, and she no longer needed me, and if the Lord wanted some one to throw into that gulf, no one could be better spared than I. The Pittsburg Commercial Journal was the leading Whig paper of western Pennsylvania, Robert M. Riddle, its editor and proprietor.

Mrs. Riddle says she knows you have, and she and some ladies were wondering only yesterday, why you do make yourself such a fright.

Rev. Riddle, he and his friends are distressed about it.

Yet I love Florimel better than both of them together; there's the riddle on't:

This is a riddle past my finding out: Whether he loves her, or no, is the question; but this, I am sure of, she loves him:O

In telling what concerns yourself alone: But spare my vow, and guess what it may be, That makes the queen deny Candiope: 'Tis neither heat, nor pride, that moves her mind; Methinks the riddle is not hard to find.

His friend's departure had indeed been to him a riddle, and believing at length that it must have originated in her caprice, he determined, whenever he had an opportunity, to revenge St. Eval by doing all in his power to torment her.

"It ought not to appear a very puzzling riddle to you," she answered quickly.

Obscure as the wood, the entangled rhyme But hints at the maze of war Vivid glimpses or livid through peopled gloom, And fires which creep and char A riddle of death, of which the slain Sole solvers are.

1040 examples of  riddle  in sentences