34 examples of riff in sentences

Here I found assembled a motley assemblage of citizens, negroes, steamboat-hands, and the general riff-raff of the place.

Shy of meeting those who had once treated him as an equal, imagining when he did meet them that now they only admitted him to their company on sufferance and held him in their thoughts of no account, he had become avid for recognition among the riff-raff of the town.

Princes and Government officials also travel with an enormous following, mainly composed of hangers-on and riff-raff, who plunder and devastate as ruthlessly as a band of Kurd or Turkoman robbers.

She could not imagine his "putting on airs," as he would call it, though she thought it might be better if he were less of the "hail-fellow-well-met," and more of the master in manner among his own cattlemen, and particularly with the wild riff-raff that had rushed to his land with the oil boom.

Something has thus been gained; but the greatest gain ever yet won for the cause of peace was the refusal of the Catalonian reservists to serve in the war against the Riff mountaineers of Morocco in July 1909.

Their influence in government would be infinitely more wholesome than the influence of the white sansculotte, the riff-raff, the idlers, the rowdies, and the outlaws.

"I am sorry for that," he rejoined, with evident disapproval; "she oughtn't to have come among these riff-raff.

Oh, sic riff-raff!

I tried to find a railway official; but I might almost as well have looked for a flea in a flower-gardenno badges, no distinctive marks, the station full of all the riff-raff of the town;it was hopeless.

"The article then goes on to explain the methods employed at electionsviz., a lazy fellow who wont work, brawls, and drinks, and spouts, and defames every honest man in the ward, till he becomes a semi-deity among the riff-raff, then "his position is found out by those who want to use him.

First, that honest people should not leave politics to the riff-raff.

That night I walked through the waist of the ship and on to the promenade-deck of the third-class passengers, where a huddle of stores, coiled ropes, and riff-raff prevented these poor from taking any pleasurable exercise.

A couple o' policemen was standing by the gate and arf the riff-raff of Wapping behind 'em.

In the most obscure alley in Marseilles there is a caf frequented by sailors, riff-raff from the waterfront and thieves.

It was quite as evident, too, that the criminal riff-raff of this world and hour found lodging in the lower city, as did its aristocracy in The Pleiad.

They were the riff-raff of the battle, the skulkers, the cowards, the slightly wounded, making pin pricks an excuse for escape.

Bell, from a side window joined in, and a single glance told the reason: up from the south rode cavalry, sweeping the pike clean of its riff-raff, and behind, barely visible through the dust, tramped a compact mass of infantry, breaking into double time.

But de Cap'ns bein' dere kep' de rip-rap[FN: riff-raff] sojers frum tearin' up ever'thing.

When the Parson therefore in his order comes to tell his tale, which reflected on the clergy, he says, I am a southern man, I cannot jest, rum, ram, riff, by letter, And God wote, rime hold I but little better.

She was one of a mob, composed of all the unoccupied riff-raff of Folkestone, who were following the band of the Third Berkshire Infantry, then in camp at Sandgate.

But they are the people of quality and tone, about whom one wants to know much more than about sun-burnt and positive Generalsthe strong silent sortor overworked politicians bent on conciliating the riff-raff.

Thus it would finally result that the ordinary unspecialized flowers, which depended upon small insect riff-raff, would be mostly left yellow or white; those which appealed to rather higher insects would become pink or red; and those which laid themselves out for bees or butterflies, the aristocrats of the arthropodous world, would grow for the most part to be purple or blue.

Back of all are Dhobee, the washerman, and Dirzce, the tailor, and Mehter, the sweeper, and Mussalehee, the torch-boy, and Metranee, the scullion,and all the rest of the household riff-raffry.

Swam out of sight of the sands to rid myself of a view of the excursion riff-raff thereon congregated.

Some of the plingers amongst this riff-raff must have recognized their mate, and thinking that the trouble was merely a case of a street beggar insulting a citizen, and noting that this one wore the hated uniform of a railroad manevery tough's sworn enemythey made common cause and the next moment Joe saw a heavy beer bottle descending upon his head, then all was darkness.

34 examples of  riff  in sentences