16 examples of ringe in sentences

A very curyous rynge, a dayntye ringe Hydd underneathe her tonge.

[Gives the ringe.

The ringe dothe hould hys vertue everye where, In weomen, men & monsters.

Bishopp, I doe voutsafe it; theres thy ringe.

[Gives him the ringe.

Der Stein in Sumpf Macht keine Ringe.

Momus, si rabiosa cohors: Ringe, freme, et noli tum pandere, turba malignis Si occurrat sannis invidiosa suis: Fac fugias; si nulla tibi sit copia eundi, Contemnes, tacite scommata quaeque feres.

Ere the bell ringe for mattens.

R107362, 9Feb53, Mary Da Costa Brick Ringe (NK) DAKIN, MARION H. Great rivers of the world.

© 14Aug25, A864371. R113968, 18Jun53, Mary Roberts Rinehart (A) RINGE, MARY DA COSTA BRICK Modern surgery.

Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. (PWH); 26May69; R462529. RINSER-SCHNELL, LUISE. Die gläsernen Ringe.

R107362, 9Feb53, Mary Da Costa Brick Ringe (NK) DAKIN, MARION H. Great rivers of the world.

© 14Aug25, A864371. R113968, 18Jun53, Mary Roberts Rinehart (A) RINGE, MARY DA COSTA BRICK Modern surgery.

Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. (PWH); 26May69; R462529. RINSER-SCHNELL, LUISE. Die gläsernen Ringe.

In 1595: "Paid for a small bell for the watche iiij's "Paid to the smith for Iron worke to it xx'd "Paid for a waight for the Clocke wayinge 36'lb and for a ringe of Iron v's.

Manchester Deanery Visit., 64 (Wardens of Manchester "ringe more than is necessarie at Burialls...").

16 examples of  ringe  in sentences