19 examples of risible in sentences

It was not every week that a fashion of pink stockings came up; but mostly, instead of it, some rugged, untractable subject; some topic impossible to be contorted into the risible; some feature, upon which no smile could play; some flint, from which no process of ingenuity could procure a distillation.

As appealing to the judgment merely (setting the risible faculty aside,) we must pronounce it a monument of curious felicity.

The reciprocal civility of authors is one of the most risible scenes in the farce of life.

" Then followed a flood of incoherent questions that were put by all the blacks in a body, accompanied by divers looks ominous of the most serious disasters, blended with bursts of laughter that broke out of their risible natures in a way to render the medley of sensations as ludicrous as it was strange.

So here we are'Pique' 'Furious' and 'Slaney' (gunboat), in an open sea, land not even risible.

The very idea of such a project is to me infinitely risible.

[Pope]; laughing &c v.; risible; ready to burst, ready to split, ready to die with laughter; convulsed with laughter, rolling in the aisles.

It may be easily conceived that the invitation had not to be very often repeated, and Hook kept the risible muscles of the company upon the constant stretch, and paid for the entertainment in the only coin with which he was well supplied.

" I confess when I called the other day on my kinswoman G.then in the second week of her widowhoodand saw her sitting, her young boy by her side, in her recent sables, I felt unable to reconcile her estate with any risible associations.

Lewis's artistic risibles were at their height, and he set to work to draw him.

Hedges and I, nearly bursting with our suppressed laughter, quietly exchanged glances across the table, and the situation became quite intense for us, as we strove to restrain our risibles while listening to the comments of the party on the utter worthlessness of "that dog Booby."

The common construction put upon the expression, "rule with rigor," and an inference drawn from it, have an air so oracular, as quite to overcharge risibles of ordinary calibre, if such an effect were not forestalled by its impiety.

The common construction put upon the expression, "rule with rigor," and an inference drawn from it, have an air so oracular, as quite to overcharge risibles of ordinary calibre, if such an effect were not forestalled by its impiety.

Philosophy is a very pleasant thing, and has various uses; one is, that it makes us laugh; and certainly there are no speculations in philosophy, that excite the risible faculties, more than some of the serious stories related by fanciful philosophers.

" A low but pretty general laugh followed this effort of tavern wit, though it failed in exciting even a smile on the disturbed visage of Desire, which, by its doleful outline, appeared to have taken leave of all its risible properties for ever.

At one time the fulness of an almost bursting heart was ready to pour forth in bitter denunciationthen the miserable absurdity of the thing, rushing into my mind, would excite my risible propensities.

We have just been exercising the risible muscles again, though from a very different cause, and one which, according to common custom, ought to draw forth symptoms of a lachrymose nature.

ADJECTIVES: "Hence nothing just, proper, decent, beautiful, proportioned, or grand, is risible.

When he had recovered himself a little from this risible convulsion he observed that his father and his grandfather had cut down cocoa-nut trees in considerable numbers without the slightest remorse or fear.

19 examples of  risible  in sentences