23 examples of ritualists in sentences

What wonder was it, then, that this young PENDRAGON with an Indian club and a swelled head should secretly slaughter the nephew and appropriate the umbrella of one of the most loyal and devoted Ritualists that ever sent a substitute to battle?

" He started, as he spoke, for the door of the private-office, intending to lock it and remove the key; but the unhappy Ritualist, fathoming his design, was there before him, and tore open the door for his own speedy egress.

"He did indeed save all but my head from the conflagration, and extinguished that, even, before it was much charred," cried the grateful Ritualist, with marked emotion.

But the heart-stricken Ritualist had swarmed up the ladder and was gone.

It is all the difference between the Mass ceremonial in a Ritualist church and in a Catholic churchthe historical sense is violated in one case and satisfied in the other.

He listened to that same wicked Voice which afterwards appeared in the guise of an angel of light to mediaeval ritualists.

The pharisee, the monk, the ritualist, is gloomy, ascetic, severe, intolerant; for he is not quite sure of his salvation.

relics, rosary, beads, reliquary, host, cross, rood, crucifix, pax [Lat.], pyx, agnus Dei [Lat.], censer, thurible, patera^; eileton^, Holy Grail; prayer machine, prayer wheel; Sangraal^, urceus^. ritualism, ceremonialism; sabbatism^, sabbatarianism^; ritualist, sabbatarian^. holyday, feast, fast.

I. The Ritualists.

I. The Ritualists.

In general the vision of the ritualists was turned toward the past rather than the present and the future.

Closely related to the ritualists were those whose interests were all fixed in the study of the law and the teachings of the earlier priests.

2. Describe the character and aims of the ritualists.

Before I state my reasons, let me premise that I am no Ritualist, in the now conventional use of the term.

Not only was Mr. Grierson a ritualist, which was only less abominable than being a non-conformist, but he had been foisted on him without his knowledge or will.

That he was a ritualist was no drawback in Robina's eyes.

They were made of linen, and were white; and Durandus, a celebrated ritualist, says that "by the white gloves were denoted chastity and purity, because the hands were thus kept clean and free from all impurity.

"Lifeless conformity" sounds odd connected with Dr. Pusey or Mr. J.B. Mozley, and the London men who were the founders of the so-called Ritualist schools.

The Vicar's friend was a missionary bishop, and a High Churchman; Isaac, as a staunch Dissenter by conviction and inheritance, thought ill both of bishops and Ritualists.

It reminds me of the talk of ritualists.

Romanists and our own Ritualists entrench their sacerdotalism behind the priestly system of the Jews.

To-morrow morning, he supposed, he should hear her step on the stairs, towards eight o'clockshould hear it passing his door in going, and an hour later in coming backand should know that she had been to a little Ritualist church close by, where what Lady Findon called 'fooleries' went on, in the shape of 'daily celebrations' and 'vestments' and 'reservation.'

The most bitter anti-ritualist could hardly have uttered stronger things than she thought, and sometimes said, against what seemed to her to be keeping Archie in banishment; while the brothers' reluctance to expose Mr. Moy, and blast his reputation and that of his family, was in her present frame of mind an incomprehensible weakness.

23 examples of  ritualists  in sentences