30081 examples of river in sentences

20Fighting along Yser river begins.

June 17Italians check Austrians on Piave river.

November 1Italians pursue beaten Austrians across Tagliamento river; allied conference at Versailles fixes peace terms for Germany.

American troops defeat bolshevik forces at Fulka, on the river Dvina.

I inquired of Esmo how the river turned in order to avoid them, since no opening was visible even through my glass.

After a little while, when the rumpus was over, Bert and I walked over to the shore of the river and sat down and just looked across at Catskill and the big hills in back.

I didn't say anything, just looked at the river.

I. The North of the Atlas: coming first, the Rif, or mountainous region, which borders the Mediterranean from the river Moulwia to Tangier, comprising the districts of Hashbat west, and Gharet and Aklaia east.

Whether the river is navigable up to this place, I have not been able to discover.

Zaffarinds or Jafarines, are three isles lying off the west of the river

Peñon de Velez is the third praesidio-island, a convict settlement of the Spaniards on this coast, and a very strong position, situate opposite the mouths of the river Gomera, which disembogues in the Mediterranean.

According to Marmol, Mamora was built by Jakob-el-Mansour to defend the embouchure of the river.

Salee or Sala, a name which this place bore antecedently to the Roman occupation, is a very ancient city, situate upon the right bank of the river Bouragrag, and near its mouth.

The town is fortified by a battery of twenty-four pieces of cannon fronting the sea, and a redoubt at the entrance of the river.

The river Wad-Bouragrag is somewhat a natural line of demarcation, and the products and animals of the one side differ materially from those of the other, owing to the number and less rapid descent of the streams on the side of the north, and so producing more humidity, whilst the south side, on the contrary, is of a higher and drier soil.

Fidallah is situated on a vast plain, near the river Wad Millah, where there is a small port, or roadstead, to which the corsairs were wont to resort when they could not reach Salee, long before the village was built, called Mersa Fidallah.

The river is very deep and rapid, so that the passage with boats is both difficult and dangerous.

The tide is felt five or six leagues up the river, according to Chénier.

Formerly, vessels of every size entered the river, but now its mouth has a most difficult bar of sand, preventing large vessels going up, like nearly all the Maroquine ports situate on the mouths, or within the rivers.

His countenance cleared as they neared Biddlecombe, and, the line running for some distance by the side of the river, he amused himself by gazing at various small craft left high and dry by the tide.

A short walk from the station brought them to the mouth of the river which constitutes the harbour of Biddlecombe.

Once more she sought the river's side, The goal of her accomplish'd way, Where, 'whelm'd beneath the rising tide, Her heart's dissever'd treasure lay! Amaz'd!

The town is drained; the river is embanked; our streets are paved; and we have a penny post.

In trees from southern river bottoms the loss through shakes and grub-holes in many cases amounts to as much as 50 per cent.

Nearly all of that from southern river bottoms and from the Cumberland Mountains is from large, old-growth trees; that from the north is from younger trees which are grown under more favorable conditions, and it is due simply to the greater age of the southern trees that hickory from that region is lighter and more brash than that from the north."

30081 examples of  river  in sentences