332 examples of riving in sentences

<Break, crack, fracture, sever, rend, burst, smash, shatter, shiver, splinter, sunder, rive, crush, batter, demolish, rupture>.

"I curse him by the gifts the land Hath won from him and Rome, The riving axe, the wasting brand, Rent forest, blazing home.

To smart and goad and lash and mortify Like the great love that binds my ruined heart Relentless, as the insidious ivy binds The shattered bulk of some deserted tower, Enlacing slow and riving with strong hands Of pitiless verdure every seam and jut,

I'll shake his heart upon my verses' point, Rip out his guts with riving poniard, Quarter his credit with a bloody quill.

I repeated my order in a louder and more angry tone; whereupon he turned his eyes upon me, and said, in a most contemptuous tone, "Chut, ti beque: quitte moue tranquille, ou tende sinon malheur ka rive ou."

Because Lear's "oak-cleaving thunderbolts," and "the all-dreaded thunder-stone" in "Cymbeline" are so fine, we would not give up Wilton's Virgilian "fulmined over Greece," where the verb in English conveys at once the idea of flash and reverberation, but avoids that of riving and shattering.

I informed him that this was also my father's birthday; and his father's; and repeated the oft-told tale of how the latter, just seventy years ago to-day, walking at twilight by the churchyard-wall, saw the figure of himself sitting on a grave-stone, and died five weeks later riving with the pangs of hell.

The streams, the plains and woods know well, he says, how he has tried to escape the perverse and stupid people who have missed the way to heaven: Cercato ho sempre solitaria vita (Le rive il sanno, e le campagne e i boschi) Per fuggir quest' ingegni storti e loschi Che la strada del ciel' hanno smarrita.

A third crevice, twice the width of the second, split the rocks, riving a deeper cleft in the mountain that held back the inland sea, making a gorge through the majestic chain of the Cascades and opening a way for the torrent oceanward.

"Miss Twiddle's black dose;strong enough to rive the gizard out of an old cock!"

When these had done their work, and the bungler paused amid his wasteful debris to watch his toil's result, first was heard a rustle of leaves, as if a passing whirlwind had alighted there; next came the crack of bursting sinews; then the groan of a great riving spasm, and the tree, decapitated at its foot, crashed to earth, with a vain attempt to clutch for support at the stiff, unpitying arms of its woodland brotherhood.

Would it have resisted the Stamp Act, the Tea Tax, or any of those entering wedges of tyranny with which the British government sought to rive the liberties of America?

Would it have resisted the Stamp Act, the Tea Tax, or any of those entering wedges of tyranny with which the British government sought to rive the liberties of America?

King Karnos: How? Voice-of-the-Gods: Why... there will be a sound... as the riving of wood... a sound as of thunder coming up from the ground.

Rive, rived, riving, riven or rived.

Saddled and bridled and gallant rade he; Hame cam' his horse, but never cam' he. Out came his auld mother, greeting fu' sair; And out cam' his bonnie bride, riving her hair.

At the shot the jaguar fell like a sack of sand through the branches, and although it staggered to its feet it went but a score of yards before it sank down, and when I came up it was dead under the palms, with three or four of the bolder dogs riving at it.

(2. serie: Rive gauche)

And then wielding the thunderbolt, that favourite (weapon) of Indra, capable of riving stones, I destroyed that entire mass of crags!

Il falloit donc y appeler des étrangers; et cette mesure devenoit d'autant plus nécessaire que c'étoit la seule place que l'empereur possédât pour passer sur l'autre rive du Danube, ou pour le repasser en cas de besoin.

What a riving and a ruin do those letters record!

RIVE-DE-GIER (13), a flourishing town in the department of Loire, France, on the Gier, 13 m. NE. of St. Étienne; is favourably situated in the heart of a rich coal district; has manufactures of silk, glass, machinery, steel, &c. RIVERS, RICHARD WOODVILLE, EARL, a prominent figure in the reigns of Henry VI.

" Saying which, he hailed a passing fiacre and bade the coachman drive to the Embarcadère of the Rive Droite.

En arrivant sur l'autre rive, Fabrice y avait trouvé les généraux tout seuls; le bruit du canon lui sembla redoubler; ce fut à peine s'il entendit le général, par lui si bien mouillé, qui criait à son oreille:

His head will ne'er rive (i.e. tear) his father's bonnet.

332 examples of  riving  in sentences