3649 examples of robinson in sentences


R72358, 29Dec50, G. Robinson Lees (A) LEIGHTON, JOSEPH A. The field of philosophy; an introduction to the study of philosophy.

R107470, 13Feb53, William Spence Robertson (A) ROBINSON, GEORGE L. The twelve minor prophets.

R112787, 1Jun53, George L. Robinson (A) ROBINSON, JAMES HARVEY.

R112787, 1Jun53, George L. Robinson (A) ROBINSON, JAMES HARVEY.

Robinson Crusoe.

SEE Robinson, James Harvey.

SEE Robinson, James Harvey.

SEE Robinson, James Harvey.

Robinson Crusoe sewing cards.

R57803, 30Jan50, Elbert Hubbard II (A) LITTLE LUCIA, by Mabel L. Robinson.

R56312, 22Dec49, Mabel L. Robinson (A) LITTLE MISSY, by Maud Lindsay; illustrated by Florence Liley Young.

By Thomas P. Robinson & Robert Lawson.

Donald F. Robinson, Jack F. Robinson, Lincoln F. Robinson (C) & John W. Boyd (E of Robert Lawson); 7Sep73; R558391. R558392.

Donald F. Robinson, Jack F. Robinson, Lincoln F. Robinson (C) & John W. Boyd (E of Robert Lawson); 7Sep73; R558391. R558392.

Donald F. Robinson, Jack F. Robinson, Lincoln F. Robinson (C) & John W. Boyd (E of Robert Lawson); 7Sep73; R558391. R558392.

By Crane Brinton, maps prepared under the cartographic direction of Arthur H. Robinson.

by Jessie B. Robinson.

By Henry Morton Robinson.

Vivian L. Robinson (W); 15Apr74; R574497.

Issued by Vocational Guidance Research, project editor: Lura Robinson.

Lura Robinson (A); 2May74; R574827. R574858.

The ornament in the panel of the back of the chair is inlaid work box or ash stained to a greenish black to represent green ebony, with a few small pieces of rich red wood then in great favour; and, says Mr. G. T. Robinson, to whose article mentioned above we are indebted for the description, "probably brought by some buccaneer from the West."

Mr. Robinson mentions another chair of the Stuart period, which formed a table, and subsequently became the property of Theodore Hook, who carefully preserved its pedigree.

Another woodcut, on a smaller scale, represents a similar chair grouped with a settee of a like design, together with a small folding chair which Mr. G.T. Robinson, in his article on "Seats," has described as Italian, but which we take the liberty of pronouncing Flemish, judging by one now in the South Kensington Museum.

3649 examples of  robinson  in sentences