533 examples of role in sentences

Jetson, in addition, had made good in his new role of amiable fellow.

At the first I was a mere spectator but played a more active role in the second.

He also spoke about the role of earthworms as friends of the farmer.

Mr. Honeybrook knocked the ash from his cigar and accepted the role of spokesman.

He must, if the prisoner were convicted, play a much more horrible role.

Perhaps the most approved role, of universal application, is, that the first change should be made in the child's diet, when the teeth begin to appear.

It is not his role to pose as an economist.

She brought her little cakes in the role of one who saw no evil, spoke no evil, and heard no evil.

Great Britain is thought of, at any rate by her own people, as the traditional opponent of any such supremacy on the Continent, so that if she were strong enough it might be her function to be the chief antagonist of a German ascendency or supremacy, though the doubt whether she is strong enough prevents her from fulfilling this role.

The elder, now aged twenty-three, is producing "Cleopatra," an opera of his own composition, and incidentally playing the role of Antony.

In which role she is most dangerous time will show.

" I started to say that I felt terribly flattered that I had played the role so well, but I knew he would not understand.

Ashamed to play the role of a Christian clergy guarding silence on the indispensable duty of saving the souls of the colored people, certain of the most influential southern ministers hit upon the scheme of teaching illiterate Negroes the principles of Christianity by memory training or the teaching of religion without letters.

The simplicity of the girl's role was also very largely created by her lover's rigid self control.

Whenever she played a role in the course of the latter's program he had his trusted aides on the spot to watch her, gauge her progress, report their finding to himself.

Hempel was glad the school had made this particular selection, doubly glad it had given Antoinette Holiday the title role.

It is your kind of a role, just as Rose is.

The winter had at last decided to recapture its forsaken role of the Snow King.

At all events, the endosmotic or exosmotic action of the skin of a living body must necessarily play an important role in the absorption of medicinal agents; and, on the other hand, it is plain that fats, which render the living skin impermeable, necessarily also diminish or entirely neutralize its osmotic action.


Very important and highly interesting discoveries have recently been made in regard to a double role played by the sting of the honey bee.

Alberta Hannum (A); 2Nov72; R539224. HANSEN, ALVIN H. America's role in the world economy.

Traite du beau role.

" "I did not think, chevalier, that your favorite role was that of a spy.

Upon the whole, it may be said that she performed well her special role in life.

533 examples of  role  in sentences