58 examples of romany in sentences

He sprang up, greeting me cordially, and we chatted in Romany as we walked about together.

My quarters were one morning suddenly invaded by a young Romany girl, who advanced towards me, after closely scanning me, singing a gipsy song: The Romany chi And the Romany chal Shall jaw tasaulor To drab the bawlor, And dook the gry Of the farming rye.

My quarters were one morning suddenly invaded by a young Romany girl, who advanced towards me, after closely scanning me, singing a gipsy song: The Romany chi And the Romany chal Shall jaw tasaulor To drab the bawlor, And dook the gry Of the farming rye.

Presently she came towards me, stared me full in the face, saying to herself, "Grey, tall, and talks Romany!"

" So the struggle ended, and my Romany friend once more pressed me to join his tribe in their camp and in their life.

"Romany Rye" is described as a sequel to "Lavengro," and takes up that story with the author and his friend Isopel Berners encamped side by side in the Mumpers' Dingle, whither the gipsies, Mr. and Mrs. Petulengro and their relations, shortly afterwards arrive.

Much of the "Romany Rye" was written at Oulton Broad, where, after his marriage in 1840, Borrow lived until he removed to Hereford Square, Brompton.

[Fr.]; palindrome, paragram^, anagram, clinch; abuse of language, abuse of terms. dialect, brogue, idiom, accent, patois; provincialism, regionalism, localism; broken English, lingua franca; Anglicism, Briticism, Gallicism, Scotticism, Hibernicism; Americanism^; Gypsy lingo, Romany; pidgin, pidgin English, pigeon English; Volapuk, Chinook, Esperanto, Hindustani, kitchen Kaffir.

While an agent for the Bible Society in Spain, he translated the New Testament into Spanish, Portuguese, Romany, and Basquewhich language, it is said, the devil himself never could learnand when he had learnt the Basque he acquired the name of Lavengro, or word-master.

A child opened the door, and disappeared when the gipsy said some words to it in the Romany tongue.

By some means, which I never quite understood, he managed to keep abreast of the very latest fashions in the ever-changing slang dialect of the fraternity, and he was a perfect master of the more modern and debased form of Romany.

So much so that frequently a gypsy who began (as they always do) by pretending that he understood nothing, and never heard of a gypsy language, ended by confessing that Hewitt could rokker better than most Romany chals themselves.

For this reason books like George Borrow's Lavengro and Romany Rye, failures on their publication, grow greater rather than less with the passage of time.

The Romany stain; illustrated with pen drawings by Walter Jack Duncan.

The Romany stain.

A Romany life, by Gipsy Petulengro © 1Apr36; A92917.

<pb id='178.png' n='1964h1/A/1018' /> Romany remedies and recipes, by Gipsy Petulengro.

The Romany stain; illustrated with pen drawings by Walter Jack Duncan.

The Romany stain.

A Romany life, by Gipsy Petulengro © 1Apr36; A92917.

<pb id='178.png' n='1964h1/A/1018' /> Romany remedies and recipes, by Gipsy Petulengro.

Miss Louise Rice, who boasts a strain of Romany blood, spends part of her year with the gypsies.

The eyes of a gorgio, weakened by an indoor life, would never have been able to distinguish the small object for which the princess looked, for she was perched up on the high seat of the red Romany wardo, and she drove her two strong, shaggy horses with a free and careless hand.

Wine of Languedoc and of Orleans thereto: Single beer, and other that is double: Spruce beer, and the beer of Hamburgh: Malmsey, Tires, and Romany.

SIMS, GEORGE ROBERT, playwright and novelist, born in London; was for a number of years on the staff of Fun and a contributor to the Referee and Weekly Dispatch, making his mark by his humorous and pathetic Dagonet ballads and stories; has been a busy writer of popular plays (e. g. "The Lights o' London," "The Romany Rye") and novels (e. g.

58 examples of  romany  in sentences