29 examples of roomfuls in sentences

She says she had a gentleman who came thirty miles to her to hear the relation; and that she had told it to a roomful of people at the time.

The whole roomful of people smiled back at her, and in that moment she established friendly relations with her audience.

" She went up on the platform, and faced the roomful of children.

Some one, somewhere, gave a signal, and the roomful was seated as if by magic.

Dick Lee was led home in triumph to a capital supper of his own; and as soon as that was over he was rigged out in his Sunday clothes,red silk necktie and all,and invited to tell the story of his adventures to a roomful of admiring neighbors.

"How dreadful it is," we hear many a person exclaim, "that things that used to be told a child alone at its mother's knee are now told whole roomfuls of children together in school!"

He had once, not so long ago, in his search for cheap lodgings, stumbled upon a roomful of alleged cripples and maimed disreputables who made mendicancy a profession; their jibes and jests on the credulity of the public yet rang in his ears.

One cannot continue very morbid with a roomful of happy, noisy children to teach and keep in order.

"Why, I've heard her keep a whole roomful of people laughing, and every one of them as dull as ditch-water till she came in.

You start out after him now, and you wouldn't last as long as a short drink in a roomful of drunkards.

But suddenly our conversation was interrupted by a hush in the room such a cold, uncomfortable hush as comes over a roomful of happy, romping children when a grave-faced elder comes amongst them.

Take another examplea roomful of guests in full dress, being received with great ceremony.

Remember, I seen him work in Elkhead, when he slipped through the hands of a roomful of us.

Sometimes they coined money, and, again, when the locomotive unexpectedly whistled, saw a roomful of noisy men go galloping away, leaving a laugh and a few sous behind.

Then she turned back to the wardto wait with that roomful of more or less panicky men for the tramp of German soldiers and the knock on the door which meant that they were prisoners.

" "That's what I thought, but I seen her back up this Bard ag'in' a roomful of men.

And this, although uncontrollably driven by her desire to please, to please even a roomful of such mediocrities, she bore to the outward eyes the most gracious aspect of friendly, smiling courtesy.

"But it isn't Polly," she added, "it'sgoodness!it's Santa Claus!" "Santa Claus!" echoed the roomful.

After tea she sat with us in the parlor for some time and then, kissing M. good-night, omitted Hatty and the boys (a most unusual thing), remarking, as she left for her chamber, "Well, I'm not going to kiss all this roomful.

Certainly such a request would never have been heard in normal years as that recently made by a nurse to a roomful of irrepressible Tommies at a private hospital: "A message has just come in to ask if the hospital will make a little less noise as the lady next door has a touch of headache.

You don't realize what they have given you, until you sit down in a roomful of ordinary books and see how tame and common the quantities are.'

Yet he did not miss that here was one of the eternal types of man's pursuitas natural a man's woman as ever animated a roomful of photographsa woman who could love much, and, as Heine added, many.

Now, Hill could talk bravely enough and even overbearingly to one girl, and he could have made a speech to a roomful of girls, but this business of standing at ease and appreciating, fencing, and returning quick remarks round a group was, he knew, altogether beyond him.

A swooning fear at the thought of meeting a roomful of people assailed her.

The city council has not dared to pass grafting measures with a roomful of women looking on.

29 examples of  roomfuls  in sentences