56311 examples of rooms in sentences

" Dinner was ready for the table when the guests came from their rooms.

"Now to see who is in the upper rooms.

All the rooms are dimly lighted.

" They are in the hall, stealing softly over the thick matting; they are in the broad corridorrunning the whole length of the houseJack's, Olympiads, Dick's, and Kate's rooms all behind themsouthward.

Now, I am going to lock up those rooms, and I want you to see that nobody enters them without your knowledge.

With Parks outside the only door, the rooms ought to be safe from invasion.

He said you were expecting him, so I let him into your rooms.

Dr. Hammond's description of the eighty-three rooms and the condition of the patients in them seems to justify the terms he frequently uses.

"Rooms dismal and badly ventilated."

There was one large barrack divided into some large and many small rooms, and there was the usual supply of rooms in the casemates.

In two of the casemate-rooms, holding sixty and seventy-five men respectively, each man had 144 and 180 feet of air.

At Fort Independence, in the same harbor, a battalion was stationed, and slept in thirteen casemate-rooms, where the men had from 150 to 297 feet of air.

What pleasant rooms these are.

"I'm sorry," said this gentle boniface, "that I could not reserve better rooms for youfor there are some choice views from some locations.

He will not stay long, and as soon as he goes you shall have the rooms.

Our trunks arrived at the hotel two weeks ago, and are now in our rooms, doubtless, awaiting us to unpack them.

"I wonder," said Patsy, as they made their way to their rooms, "whether he really was thinking of plunging into the ocean; or whether that time at the Grand Canyon he had a notion of jumping into the chasm.

C.B. Jonesthe man who usurped the rooms intended for you.

" "Rooms?" repeated Uncle John.

But he liked the suitea parlor with five rooms opening out of itand insisted upon having them all, despite the fact that it is one of the most expensive suites in the hotel.

It is a very labyrinth of passages connecting; its nine hundred rooms, and one has to have a good bump of location to avoid getting lost in its mazes.

He sat musing for so long that she finally remembered it was growing late, and began to fear Patsy and Beth would seek their rooms, which connected with her own, and find her absent.

Heatherbloombelonged in the rear, and, no doubt, the prince had continued to be a daily, or twice, or three-times-a-day visitor to Miss Van Rolsen's elegant, if somewhat stiff, reception rooms.

You say while you do not approve of young men drinking in bar rooms and saloons, that you have no objection to their drinking beneath the shadow of their homes, why do you object to their drinking in saloons, and bar rooms?"

I think these bar rooms are horrid places.

56311 examples of  rooms  in sentences