26 examples of rootes in sentences

And yet this wish & desire should not let or hinder the trauaile of such as do indeuor to pull up by the rootes such herbes as be hurtful to the field of the Lord, be they neuer so small and little: and I do, or which thing I labour to do in this little boke according to the talente & graces which are geuen me from aboue.

But yet it is so, the effect & sute declareth it, because that the daughter and sister of the County or Earle of A. was so enamoured or rauished with the loue of a very simple and base gentleman whom she had seene daunse in the courte, and it printed so wel, that is, toke such deepe impression and roote in her hart, and understanding, that against the will of Father and Mother, parentes and friends shee maried him.

But I will change it; not as heretofore By singling out them one by one to death: Each common man can such revenges have; A Princes anger must lay desolate Citties, Kingdomes consume, Roote up mankind.

As soone as sleepe hath left thy drowsie eies Follow the path that on thy right hand lies: An aged Hermit thou by chaunce shalt find That there hath bene time almost out of mind, This holy man, this aged reuerent Father, There in the woods doth rootes and simples gather; His wrinckled browe tells strenghts past long ago, His beard as white as winters driuen snow.

Giue me leave; are not we fooles to weare our young feete to old stumps, when there dwells a cunning man in a Cave hereby who for a bunch of rootes, a bagge of nuts, or a bushell of crabs will tell us where thou shalt find thy maister, and which of our maisters shall win the wenche's favour? Io.

Eugenius discovered sitting loaden with many Irons, a Lampe burning by him; then enter Clowne with a piece of browne bread and a Carret roote.

Yes, marry is it; though it be not Dyet bread 'tis bread, 'tis your dinner; and though this be not the roote of all mischiefe yet 'tis a Carret, and excellent good meate if you had powderd Beefe to it.

Here's nothing but a pile of wretchednesse; A branch that every way is shooke at roote And would (I think) even fall before you now, But that Divinity which props it up Inspires it full of comfort, since the Cause My father suffers for gives a full glory To his base fetters of Captivity.

You, noble Hubert, are the man chosen out From all our Vandal Leaders to be chiefe O'er a new army, which the King will raise To roote out from our land these Christians That over-runne us.

He that hath seene a great oke drie and dead, Yet clad with reliques of some trophees olde, Lifting to heaven her aged hoarie head, Whose foote in ground hath left but feeble holde, But halfe disbowel'd lies above the ground, Shewing her wreathed rootes, and naked armes,

The roote whereof and tragicall effect, Vouchsafe, O thou the mournfulst Muse of nyne, 10 That wontst the tragick stage for to direct, In funerall complaints and waylfull tyne* Reveale to me, and all the meanes detect Through which sad Clarion did at last declyne To lowest wretchednes:

The honour of these noble boughs down threw: Under the wedge I heard the tronck to grone; And since, I saw the roote in great disdaine A twinne of forked trees send forth againe.

While on this lawrell fixed was mine eie, The skie gan everie where to overcast, And darkned was the welkin all about, When sudden flash of heavens fire out brast*, And rent this royall tree quite by the roote; Which makes me much and ever to complaine, For no such shadow shalbe had againe.

[Sidenote: rootes] Would'st thou not stirre in this.

2. I nere could tell yet from what roote this huge Large spreading Tree of hate from Spayne to us, From us agayne to Spayne, took the first growth.

Looke upon this, Signd by the Governor, Chauncellor and Counsell Of Gilderland and Zutphen, who here name thee The roote and head of the late Schisme.

blesse me how He staires upon me and takes roote, I thinke.

So that if such a great armie want not water and salt, they will maintaine themselues a long time in a bush with rootes, flowers and leaues of trees, they cary rice with them for their voyage, and that serueth them in stead of comfits; it is so daintie vnto them.

The Ginger groweth in this wise: the land is tilled and sowen, and the herbe is like to Panizzo, and the roote is the ginger.

Twelve lines ending at, lightly, him, bridges, rootes, thunders, back, Townes, desolate, lives, sacrifice, ruines.

Nature gave roote; love, and the dying charge, Of his dead father, gives such store of sap Unto this tree of my affection That it will never wither till I dye.

I finde it true, for where thou art let in, There is no scruple made of any sinne; The world may see thou art the roote of ill, For but for thee poore Beech had lived still.

God love my soule, as I in heart rejoyce To have such power in my death-bringing voice, See how in steade of teares and hartie sighes; Of foulded armes and sorrow-speaking lookes, I doe behold with cheerefull countenance The livelesse roote of my nativitie, And thanke her hasty soule that thence did goe To keep her from her sonne and husbandes woe.

They eate no flesh, but liue by rootes, and ryce, and milke.

A Dutch vessel from the East Indies had brought home sundry strange animals, which were exhibited at the Jolly Mariner at Portsmouth, and thus announced on a bill printed on execrable paper, brought out to Portchester by some of the market people: "An Ellefante twice the Bignesse of an Ocks, the Trunke or Probosces whereof can pick up a Needle or roote up an Ellum Tree.

26 examples of  rootes  in sentences