6638 examples of rough in sentences

Rough wrought iron tube, | 78 | 52 | 98.75

On this day, when we stopped for wood or to get provisionsat picturesque places, where the women from rough mud and thatched cabins were washing clothes in the river, or where ragged horsemen stood gazing at us from the bank, or where dark, well-dressed ranchmen stood in front of red-roofed houseswe caught many fish.

I was in my rough hunting- clothes, but there was nothing to do but to accompany my kind hosts and trust to their good nature to pardon my shortcomings in the matter of dress.

Under one or two old but small trees there are rude benches; and for a part of the length of the street there is a rough stone sidewalk.

He was good-natured, rough, and stupidhence his name.

However, my exceedingly rough and shabby clothing made an incongruous contrast.

These rough young rascals very often hit the nail on the head, if they do strike with their eyes shut.

SHAW, HANA M. Out of the rough.

He had never seen anything so pretty as Ally herself, in the rough gray tweed that exaggerated her fineness and fragility; never anything so distracting and at the same time so heartrending as the gray muff and collar of squirrel fur, and the little gray fur hat with the bit of blue peacock's breast laid on one side of it like a folded wing.

A sharp wind was blowing in from the sea, but he was able to manage his little craft with ease, and, being used to rough water, he enjoyed the rise and dip of the waves.

It was rough food such as was served on rough ships, but Robert sat up and looked at it hungrily.

It was rough food such as was served on rough ships, but Robert sat up and looked at it hungrily.

He still heard the creaking of cordage and now he heard the tumbling of waves too, indicating that the weather was rough.

It hurt his pride terribly to serve a rough sea captain in such a manner, but he had no choice and he resolved that if the chance came he would pay the debt.

Remounting my mustang I kept as close to Don's heels as the rough going permitted.

Then we saw him leisurely picking his way among the rough stones.

On our other side capes and benches and groves were bright in sunshine, clear across the rough breaks to the west wall of Dude Canyon.

I was afraid this short cut to the lower projecting cape of rock would end suddenly on some impassable break or cliff, but though the travel grew rough we still kept on.

The Panamints towered a wrinkled red grisly mass, broken by rough canyons, with long declines of talus like brown glaciers.

" "Have you ever practised speaking in public?" "I am thought to make sharp and rough answers to folks, quite too much, I believe," answered Bart, laughing; "

Within the last year or two, the whole of it had been sold and settled, with the average of new settlers, strong, plain, simple people, with a sprinkling of the rough, and a little element of the dangerous.

He stood surrounded by some forty young specimens of both sexes and all agesfrom rough, stalwart young men, bold and fearless in eye and bearing, down to urchins of five.

Life in all new communities is run mainly on muscle, and whoever exhibits skill and bravery in its rough encounters, peaceful or warlike, always commands a premium.

The barns, stables and neighboring houses were freely offered, and an efficient corps of attendants were on hand, while the absence of public-houses in the immediate neighborhood relieved the occasion of the presence of the unbidden rough element that would otherwise have volunteered an attendance.

Young juices were starting up under rough bark, and young blood and spirits throbbed in the veins of the boys, and loud and repeated bursts of joyous voices gushed with the fulness of the renewing power of the season.

6638 examples of  rough  in sentences