38 examples of roustabout in sentences

Junius Gholston, a negro boy who had intended to go to Nashville to attend Fisk University, reconsidered the matter, packed away his good clothes, put on overalls, and shipped down the river as a roustabout instead.

"I 'cla' 'fo' Gawd!ain't been home a week befo' he's fightin' over a nigger wench lak a roustabout!" Peter's head throbbed so he could hardly make out the details of Caroline's face.

A roustabout whom every one called the Persimmon confided to Peter that he meant to cut loose some logs in a raft up the river, float them down a little way, tie them up again, and claim the prize-money for salvaging them, God willing.

At the time of the Persimmon's remarks about the raft two of Peter's callers, Jim Pink Staggs and Parson Ranson, took the roustabout to task.

Mr. Staggs seemed uncomfortable under the Persimmon's protruding yellow stare, but finally, when the roustabout was gone, he shrugged, regained his aplomb, and remarked that some niggers spent their time in studyin' 'bout things they hadn't no info'mation on whatever.

Peter called to the roustabout and asked about Tump Pack.

The roustabout's philosophy, which consisted in a monotonous recasting of a given proposition, trickled on and on in the cold wind.

" Peter stared at the grotesque, bullet-headed roustabout.

To tell a colored roustabout twenty or thirty years ago to fetch a certain cargo, labeled with the name of a particular boat or consignee, would have been to draw from the individual addressed a genuine old-time plantation grin, with some caustic observation about lack of school facilities in the days when the roustabout ought to have been studying the "three Rs," but was not.

To tell a colored roustabout twenty or thirty years ago to fetch a certain cargo, labeled with the name of a particular boat or consignee, would have been to draw from the individual addressed a genuine old-time plantation grin, with some caustic observation about lack of school facilities in the days when the roustabout ought to have been studying the "three Rs," but was not.

If there are any foreigners the average British roustabout hates it is French gendarmes, and the ruffians were of a mind to "beat them up."

Should anyone in the twentieth century wish to see the old-fashioned prime negro at his best, let him take a Mississippi steamboat and watch the roustabouts at workthose chaffing and chattering, singing and swinging, lusty and willing freight handlers, whom a river captain plying out of New Orleans has called the noblest black men that God ever made.

His common problem was to get such income and comfort as he might from a parcel of the general run; and the creation of roustabout energy among them would require such vigor and such iron resolution on his own part as was forthcoming in extremely few cases.

Furthermore, A. de Puy Van Buren, noted as a common sight in the Yazoo district, "especially in the ditching season, wandering 'exiles of Erin,' straggling along the road"; and remarked also that the Irish were the chief element among the straining roustabouts, on the steamboats of that day.

And the roustabout throwing the rope from the perilous end of the dangling gang-plank!

The roustabout dived, as the roustabouts always do, after the drowning, even at the risk of their good-for-nothing lives.

On the 30th of September he started a two-horse wagon, loaded with most of our outfit, on ahead, in charge of a roustabout.

The roustabout started off trailing the horses.

Just as our meal was ready, our roustabout came into camp, riding one of the horses barebacked, with only a halter and leading the other two.

By this time the roustabout was thawed out by our fire, and we had supper.

The morning after the yellow-jacket incident, Chauvin and the roustabout, the latter taking my gun, left me in bed and went out after deer.

I was a roustabout and freight picker.

They used to kick the roustabouts about and run them around but they never laid the weight of their hands on him.

" W.J. ("Fingy") Conners, the New York politician, who is not precisely a Chesterfield, secured his first great freight-handling contract when he was a roustabout on the Buffalo docks.

" After a few moments' deep thought: "Say, ma, then don't you think they'd be lots more surprised if you did take us all?" SWIMMERS Two negro roustabouts at New Orleans were continually bragging about their ability as long distance swimmers and a steamboat man got up a match.

38 examples of  roustabout  in sentences