778 examples of ruffling in sentences

she cried, her face like a rose, "your color's pink!" From the depths of an inverted sewing-machine top Mrs. Kaufman fished out another bit of the pink, ruffling it with deft needle.

Oh, how I hate Business, which I do no more mind, than a Spark does the Sermon, who is ogling his Mistress at Church all the while: I have been ruffling over twenty Reams of Paper for my Uncle's Writings.

I fancy it must be rather like the reflection of a sunset ina duck-pond, say, with a faint wind ruffling the water.

"Roger," said she, frowning a little, "saw you my lord go but now?" "Aye, verily, dear my lady," quoth he, ruffling up his hair, "but wherefore" "And I," said Giles, cherishing his arm, "both saw and felt him" "Ha," quoth Roger, "would'st have him back, sweet mistress?" "Why truly I would, Roger" "Then forsooth will I go fetch him.

"And to think," he cried, "that the villain this very day walks about New York town as though he were an honest man, ruffling it with the best of us!

"Perhaps they do not know it is spring," thought the robin and ruffling his red breast and swelling his throat he began to tell them.

Your husband hath already got a wife; A huffing wench, i' faith, whose ruffling silks Make with their motion music unto love, And you are quite forgotten.

'I can hardly tell,' said Matthew; 'he had a piercing eye, I wot, and a voice as clear as a bell; very neat and seemly he was in his attire, and yet he might have been a ruffling cavalier if one judged by his hair, which he wore long and curled.'

" "An' may I axe you," said Mayhall, ruffling a little, "may I axe youwhy you" "Certainly," said Bill, and he handed over the paper that he held in his hand.

And so he would go his way, ruffling out his cravat with a crackle of starch, like a turkey when it spread its feathers.

When ruffling winds have some bright fane o'erthrown, Which shone on painted clouds, or seem'd to shine, Shall the fond gazer dream for him alone

I shouldn't wonder a bit when I go home and am ruffling it once more in Bond Street if, when told the price of a thing is a guinea, I laugh in a jocular way and say, "Oh! come now, I'll give you ten shillings.

But, as he grew towards manhood, he could not remain insensible to her extraordinary beautyfor extraordinary it was, and such as to attract admiration wherever she went, so that the "Grocer's Daughter" became the toast among the ruffling gallants of the town, many of whom sought to obtain speech with her.

"It may be, my gallant young prisoner," he said, ruffling and strutting, "that I am about to lose you, but if it is so it will be for value received.

Great dexterity is necessary, not only to beat out the cakes with no other instrument than the hand, so that no part of them shall be thicker than another, but especially to cast them from one board to another without ruffling or breaking them.

Perhaps the following sentence from the satire of a notorious wit in Elizabeth's reign, is a fair specimen of those expressive words which paint, the object of which they speak:"To which place, Gabriel came, ruffling it out, hufty-tufty, in his new suit of velvet."

There is a youth whom I am willing you should speak to,none of your ruffling gallants, but steady as an ox at his work, and as kind at the crib.

Contemporary life, with all its pomp of costume and insolence of ruffling youth, is depicted in the "Fulminati" at Orvieto and in the "Soldiers of Totila" at Monte Oliveto.

Cellini, ruffling with hand on hilt in silks and satins through the square, was pointed out to foreigners as the great sculptor who had cast the admirable bronze.

On a quarter of the deck where they stood alone, what a striking pair were Flora and Irby as side by side they faced the ruffling air, softly discussing matters alien to the gliding scene and giving it only a dissimulative show of attention.

No, the conductor held him, and erect and secure, with bare locks ruffling in the wind of the train, he looked back, waved, and so passed from sight.

She hears the wind ruffling the trees and the birds shifting in the night.

In turning round to rebuke the errant performer, the violinist struck his elbow against a similar projection of the other flutist, and knocked a false note out of that gentleman too, besides momentarily ruffling his temper.

Yet, scarcely were they anchored in some frontier haven than they fell to dreaming of the wilderness, of the far silences in the trackless sea of trees, of the winds ruffling the forest's crests till ten thousand trees toss their leaves, silver side up, as white-caps flash, rolling in long patches on a heaving waste of waters.

A tiny air is ruffling the flower-beds, giving a separate soft good-night to each bloom.

778 examples of  ruffling  in sentences