63 examples of rule out in sentences

General Allenby's force was so disposed that any suggestion of the Yilderim operation being put into execution was ruled out of consideration.

On the night of December 5 the British strengthened their line by abandoning certain untenable positions near Cambrai, falling back deliberately and successfully, unknown to the enemy, upon a well-chosen line which ruled out the dangerous salient made by Bourlon Wood.

One has to rule out first those who have organic destructive disease of the brain.

would no doubt be ruled out of such a book as this by many in sympathy with children; yet the unexplainable power of the poem is not beyond the apprehension of sensitive natures at an early age.

A bill to give suffrage to women was recently introduced in the Parliament of Persia, but was ruled out of order by the president because the Koran says women have no souls.

So we will rule out the Lieutenant R.N.R.

We can rule out all the workmen.

We can also rule out my lieutenant R.N.R. with the German name who has gone to sea in the Antinous.

"If you assure us, my lord, that we may rule out any idea of a voluntary disappearance" "Voluntary disappearance be damned!"

Dr. Hodge's premises in the discussion of the duty of truthfulness rule out onions; but his inferences and conclusions have the odor and the taste of onions.

The men went about their fun-making leisurely, knowing quite well the negro could not get angry or make any retort or leave the store, all of these methods of self-defense being ruled out by custom.

You cannot, for example, chloroform the vocalist in the neighboring apartment, nor stop the street-cars while you study; you cannot rule out fatigue sensations entirely, and you cannot build a fence around the focus of your mind so as to keep out unwelcome and irrelevant ideas.

The position will not be made more logical if you demand both superior size and also superior numbers, because if you adopt the tactical system appropriate to one of the things demanded, you will rule out the other.

The folk, however, cannot be ruled out.

This in itself would be enough to rule out themes remote from common experience, supposing any such were to suggest themselves to the primitive epic poet.

In our opening statement, we promised to prove various facts; and we have proven them, in the main; if there are any contentions about which the evidence remains vague, this circumstance exists only because His Honor has seen fit to rule out certain testimony which is vital to the case, and we believed, and still believe, was entirely material and properly admissible.

" "That ruled out of court too?

I'm just telling you this yarn, Ann, to make you see that religion doesn't necessarily rule out the love of dogs.

He was always pre-eminently an Englishman of his own day with a scholar's rather than a poet's temper, hating extravagance, hating bombast and cant, and only limited because in ruling out these things he ruled out much else that was essential to the spirit of the time.

Luckily for Goa, Faleiro doesn't rule out the possibility of taking to the pen or should one say, the computer keyboard sometime in the near future.

The woes of Ireland have not been forgotten, and the Nationalists have been busily engaged in getting Home Rule out of cold storage.

I rule out there, over free and thrall.

If the complex and various accidents of existence should have ruled out her life virtuously; if the many inflections of sentiment have decided against this last consummation, then she will wax to the complete, the unfathomable temptressthe Lilith of oldshe will never set him free, and in the end will be found about his heart "one single golden hair."

To lay down at starting that the essential quality of pastoral is the realistic or at least recognizably 'natural' presentation of actual shepherd life would be to rule out of court nine tenths of the work that comes traditionally under that head.

Yet, be that as it may, he was already definitely ruled out of the matter.

63 examples of  rule out  in sentences