7 examples of run the business in sentences

There was the husband, a big lubberly Fleming who apparently did not count for much in the economic and domestic scheme of the establishment; his wife, a large, commanding woman who ran the business and the house as well; his wife's mother, an old sickly woman in her seventies; and his wife's sister, a poor, palsied half-wit.

A quorum could not be obtained and for months the president and treasurer had run the business without reference to directors or stockholders.

"And I am to take my first lesson in running the business this evening!

Mary might come to New York; the Doge might spend his declining years in leisurely patronage of bookshops and galleries; and he would learn how to run the business, though his head split, as became a simple, normal son.

"Then, why not give up your fad at once and run the business properly?" "Do you mean as we have been running it?" asked Mr. Denton, with a sharp glance at him.

Oh, if we twain together might conspire, Would we not grasp them by the scruff and fire Coal merchants, barons, dukes and millionaires, And run the business to our hearts' desire, Paying no dividends on watered shares; Blessing State ownership and State control, You for high wages, I for cheaper coal.

"I almost ran the business in the ground after I had been carrying the slaves across for nearly four years.

7 examples of  run the business  in sentences