2 examples of rundlet in sentences

Actors, bring now a black jack and a rundlet of Rhenish wine, disputing of the antiquity of red noses: let the Prodigal Child come in in his doublet and hose all greasy, his shirt hanging forth, and ne'er a penny in his purse, and talk what a fine thing it is to walk summerly, or sit whistling under a hedge, and keep hogs.

I had no cask to hold my liquor, except two rundlets almost full of rum, a few bottles of an ordinary size, and some square case bottles, neither had I a pot to boil any thing in, only a large kettle unfit to make broth, or stew a bit of meat: I wanted, likewise at the beginning of this dry season a tobacco pipe; but for this I afterwards found an expedient.

2 examples of  rundlet  in sentences