10 examples of ryche in sentences

And it is so ryche, that, men preysen it to the value of a roialme, in that contre.

And the ryche men drynken mylk of mares or of camaylles or of asses or of other bestes.

And thanne alle the cytees and gode townes senden hym ryche presentes; so that at that iourneye, he schalle have more than 60 chariottes charged with gold and sylver, with outen jewelles of gold and precyouse stones, that lordes zeven hym, that ben withouten estymacioun: and with outen hors and clothes of gold and of Camakaas and Tartarynes, that ben with outen nombre.

And this lond is fulle gode and ryche; but not so riche as is the lond of the grete Chane.

There was dwellynge somtyme a ryche man, and it is not longe sithen, and men clept him Gatholonabes; and he was fulle of cauteles and of sotylle disceytes; and he hadde a fulle fair castelle, and a strong, in a mountayne, so strong and so noble, that no man cowde devise a fairere ne a strangere.

Toward the est partye of Prestre Johnes lond, is an yle gode an gret, that men clepen Taprobane, that is fulle noble and fulle fructuous: and the kyng thereof is fulle ryche, and is undre the obeyssance of Prestre John.

The kyng of that yle is fulle ryche and fulle myghty: and natheles he holt his lond of the grete Chane, and is obeyssant to hym.

To some she sendeth chyldren, ryches, welthe, Honour, woorshyp, and reuerence all hys lyfe:

"Some have too muche, yet still do crave, I little have and seek no more, They are but poore, though muche they have, And I am ryche with lyttle store; They poore, I ryche, they begge, I gyve, They lacke, I leave, they pyne, I lyve.

"Some have too muche, yet still do crave, I little have and seek no more, They are but poore, though muche they have, And I am ryche with lyttle store; They poore, I ryche, they begge, I gyve, They lacke, I leave, they pyne, I lyve.

10 examples of  ryche  in sentences