29 examples of révolution in sentences

Histoire de la Révolution Française, (1789-1799,) Par THÉOD.

The Place de la Révolution, the Quays, the Tuileries, the boulevards, are crowded with troops.

The Nationale was represented by Alexander Rey and Léopold Duras, the Révolution by Xavier Durrieu, Vasbenter, and Watripon, the Avénement du Peuple by H. Coste, nearly all the other editors of the Avénement being in prison.

Xavier Durrieu, who was editor of the Révolution made the same offer as Millière.

It was presided over by Joly; Xavier Durrieu and Jules Gouache, who were editors of the Révolution, also took part, as well as several Italian exiles, amongst others Colonel Carini and Montanelli, ex-Minister of the Grand Duke of Tuscany.

Some Democratic writers came in, amongst whom were Alexander Rey and Xavier Durrieu, with Kesler, Villiers, and Amable Lemaître of the Révolution; one of these writers was Millière.

Let them look out for themselves!" One of the editors of the Révolution, Hennett de Kesler, who afterwards became an intrepid exile, completed the information of Mathieu (de la Drôme).

" Considérations sur la Révolution Française, i., pp.

"Considérations sur la Révolution Française, pp.

Not a day passed but thirty or forty persons were guillotined, and blood flowed so copiously on the Place de la Révolution that it became necessary to dig a trench three feet deep around the scaffolding.

It was to receive to-day's harvest from the Place de la Révolution.

It was the executioner's red hearse with its ghastly freight from the Place de la Révolution.

In 1840 he returned to Paris, where he founded a journal called the Révolution Démocratique et Sociale, which brought him fifteen months' imprisonment and twenty thousand francs fine.

On the side opposite the palace itself is the Place Louis XV, called in the time of the republic Place de la Révolution, and where the unfortunate Louis XVI suffered decapitation.

ou elle était avant la Révolution."

Le bonhomme Richard aux bonnes gens was not a "famous journal," as only two numbers appeared in 1790 (M. Tourneux, Bibliographie de l'histoire de Paris pendant la Révolution, vol.

Tell et la Révolution de 1307 (Delft, 1826); Ideler, Die Sage vom Schüsse des Tell (Berlin, 1836); Häusser, Die Sage vom Tell (Heidelberg, 1840); Schoenhuth, Wilh.

Régime et la Révolution, 7th ed., Paris, 1866.

LES RUGISSEMENTS DU LION ANGLAIS Au commencement de la Révolution d'Amérique, une des foudroyantes proclamations du roi d'Angleterre excita de vives discussions dans une société à Philadelphie.

MARCEAU La figure de Marceau brille parmi tous les soldats de la Révolution, et les traits intéressants abondent dans l'histoire de sa belle carrière.

ROBESPIERRE (MAXIMILIEN DE), avocat et conventionnel; joua un grand rôle dans la Révolution Française (1758-1794).

La révolution en marche.

La révolution en marche.

Les poèmes qui composent ce volume ne sont donc autre chose que des empreintes successives du profil humain, de date en date, depuis Ève, mère des hommes, jusqu'à la Révolution, mère des peuples; empreintes prises, tantôt sur la barbarie, tantôt sur la civilisation, presque toujours sur le vif de l'histoire; empreintes moulées sur le masque des siècles.

TOCQUEVILLE, ALEXIS CLÉREL DE, French economist, born at Verneuil, of an old Norman family, bred to the bar, and specially distinguished as the author of two works in high repute, "La Democratie en Amérique" and "L'Ancien Régime et la Révolution"; died at Cannes, leaving much of his work unfinished (1805-1861).

29 examples of  révolution  in sentences