173 examples of sabering in sentences

British cavalry captured a battery at Rumilly, sabering the crews.

All the amphitheater cried out, "Victory to the white knight!" Otamus rises in a violent passion, and draws his sword; Zadig leaps from his horse with his saber in his hand.

He lost his patience; with his saber he dispersed such of the populace as dared to affront him; but he knew not what course to take.

As for Uhlans spearing babies on their lances, and officers sabering their own men, and soldiers murdering and mutilating and torturing at willI saw nothing.

He hauled his saber out of its scabbard and invited us to run our fingers along the edge and see how keen and sharp it was.

" "But the bayonet wounds and the saber wounds?"

"How about them?" "I have been here since the very first," he said; "since the day after our troops took this town, and God knows how many thousands of wounded menGermans, Englishmen, Frenchmen, Turcos, some Belgianshave passed through my hands; but as yet I have to see a man who has been wounded by a saber or a lance.

La mirada del atónito montero vagaba absorta de un lado á otro, sin saber dónde fijarse, hasta que sentado bajo un pabellón de verdura que parecía servirle de dosel, y rodeado de un grupo de mujeres todas á cual más bellas, que la ayudaban á despojarse de sus ligerísimas vestiduras, creyó ver el objeto de sus ocultas adoraciones, la hija del noble don Dionís, la incomparable Constanza.

Si, si, es preciso saber si el objeto corresponde á tan alta pasión, añadian los otros. ¿Cuando nos reuniremos á echar un trago en la iglesia en que os alojáis?

no saber que se tragaba al menos el que le cayese en la boca? ...

preguntaban las damas al asistente, que, precedido de los ministriles, fué uno de los primeros á subir á la tribuna, y que, pálido y con muestras de profundo pesar, se dirigía al puesto en donde le esperaba el arzobispo, ansioso, como todos, por saber la causa de aquel desorden.

Teobaldo con él, sin saber por donde, sintiendo que las ramas le abofeteaban el rostro al pasar, y los zarzales desgarraban sus vestidos, y el viento silbaba á su alrededor?

al revés, backwards; no saber, had I not known; no ser, unless it be; no ser por, were it not for; solas, alone; tientas, groping; stealthily; través de, across, through; vida, alive; al vuelo, flying; on the wing.

gay saber, m., poetry, art of poetry.

Saber . . . . . . . . . . . .

At times when the Czar did not dare to trust his regular soldiers to enforce order in Petrograd or Moscow, for fear the men would refuse to fire upon their own relatives in the mob, the Cossacks could always be counted upon to ride their horses fearlessly through the people, sabering to right and left those who refused to disperse.

France, having learned the temper of the Prussian war lords in 1870, France, burdened by a national debt heaped high by the big indemnity collected by the Germans in 71, looked in apprehension to the east and leaped to arms at the first rattling of the Prussian saber.

Saber-tooth curriculum, including other lectures in the history of Paleolithic education.

The academic military school excommunicated him, while bolting, and hence arose an implacable rancor of the old Caesarism against the new, of the old saber against the flashing sword, and of the chessboard against genius.

A whirlwind of lancers and gray riders drove madly down the slope, inextricably mixed, shooting, sabering, stabbing with tip and ferrule.

I had but a brief glimpse of them, but it was sufficient to show me that one had a gun over his shoulder, while the other carried a saber.

" Then he picked up the scythe which in the fog I had taken for a saber, while the grandson again shouldered his pitchfork musket.

A woman mounted the steps of the elevated station carrying an umbrella like a reversed saber.

Provençal influence was more permanent in Catalonia than in any other part of Spain; in 1393, the Consistorium of the Gay saber was founded in imitation of the similar association at Toulouse.

In the year 1323 a society was formed in Toulouse of seven troubadours, the "sobregaya companhia," for the purpose of preserving and encouraging lyric poetry (lo gay saber).

173 examples of  sabering  in sentences