271 examples of sacrilege in sentences

She was a Roman Catholic, and was simply horrified by the sacrilege of which she had been witness.

The group of fellow-citizens was associated through its related groups of ancestral household-deities, and through religious rites performed in common to which it would have been sacrilege to have admitted a stranger.

"Marco," she gasped, detaining him, "will it be a war?a war between Venice andand" She broke off; she could not speak the word which seemed a sacrilege.

" She spread out her hands before her and half-turned away her head, as if in deprecation of some sacrilege, growing very white.

Here, if the king should dote as he hath done, It's sacrilege to tempt a holy nun:

Mr. Dryden, in the abovementioned piece, takes occasion to vindicate the authority of the Catholic Church, in decreeing matters of faith, upon this principle, that the church is more visible than the scriptures, because the scriptures are seen by the church, and to abuse the reformation in England, which he affirms was erected on the foundation of lust, sacrilege, and usurpation.

But my heart could not bear this sacrilege.

mea istaec Ps. parricida B. perge tu Ps. sacrilege.

Though to break any image of you, dear," he added tenderly, "would seem a kind of sacrilege.

He wrote on a tablet that he had taken off his official cap when opening his veins, so as to avoid the sacrilege of a flamen of Jupiter dying with it on his head.

His messenger to Delphi came back saying that he had heard the sound of a lute in the temple, and dared not commit the sacrilege.

I took the sin upon myself, and I said mass for them, knowing that it was no mass, and praying that God would forgive me, and that it might not be a sacrilege.

For I was a priest by nature and heart, and I had grown so used to my sin of sacrilege, that I shut my eyes, and told myself that it was the wish of Heaven.

These are intemperate on water, or bewail the touch of salt as sacrilege against the sacrifice of eggs.

They wished to protect the monastery from sacrilege, and in that cause they held their lives of small account.

Within these bounds persons fleeing from pursuers had the right of asylum; but, on the other hand, there are documents to show that those who committed crimes inside the limit were held guilty of sacrilege.

He who could seriously compare the insipid effusions of Mr. Tennyson with the mighty genius of Byron, might commit the sacrilege of likening the tricks of Professor Anderson to the miracles of Our Saviour.

[Magnus, King of Norway, having committed sacrilege, by opening the grave of St. Olave, he was commanded by the spirit of the offended saint to perform the voluntary penance of quitting the kingdom in thirty days.

Could Norway's priest-despising chief, deem sacrilege a crime Fitting for absolution,or dark penance of set time That daring such all dreaded sin, he gazes on the grave, And tramples o'er the hallow'd dust of canoniz'd Olave.

However, he never reverted to the subject, not even upon his death-bed; and after the learned doctor's decease, when I came into the whole of his practice, and no small portion of his fame, I was easy, for the memory of that sacrilege had passed away.

So Druso dragged me before the Supreme Council, impeached me of sacrilege in the affair of the nun, of theft, and of violating the sanctity of the tomb, of barbarously mutilating the dead, and of applying their lacerated remains to the unholy purposes of sorcery!

Listened in terror to every word of the dreadful sacrilege.

314, n. 3; on sacrilege, v. 114, n. 2; writing for money, iii. 19, n. 3; Johnson the horse-rider, i. 399; Junius, authorship of, iii. 376, n. 4; Keppel's Court-martial, iv. 12, n. 6; Kinnoul, Lord, ii. 211, n. 4; libels in 1770, i. 116, n. 1; Lort, Rev. Dr., iv.

The prejudices of my countrymen on this subject are respectable, and I know I shall be deemed guilty of a species of political sacrilege.

What he had thoughtlessly considered a merely vulgar business intrigue against her stupid father, now to his extravagant fancy assumed the proportions of a sacrilege to herself.

271 examples of  sacrilege  in sentences