165 examples of sacrilegious in sentences

The report of the vandals and sacrilegious persons who received it is worth copying, if only to show their character.

Stop thy friend's sacrilegious hand.

But to their feast they fell, dividing the roasted portions of the flesh, savoury and pleasant meat to them, but a sad sight to the eyes, and a savour of death in the nostrils, of the waking Ulysses; who just woke in time to witness, but not soon enough to prevent, their rash and sacrilegious banquet.

Can there be any more sacrilegious folly than to imagine that the earth has lost her fruitfulness and is becoming bankruptshe, the eternal mother, eternal life?

The wasp-gods would be forgotten; probably smoked out as sacrilegious intruders.

But to think or speak of me in any manner as a Christ, is sacrilegious.

But not like thine, built by thy selfe, in Verse, Where thy advanced Image safely stands Above the reach of Sacrilegious hands.

Adj. impious; irreligious &c 989; desecrating &c v.; profane, irreverent, sacrilegious, blasphemous. un-hallowed, un-sanctified, un-regenerate; hardened, perverted, reprobate. hypocritical &c (false) 544; canting, pietistical^, sanctimonious, unctuous, pharisaical, overrighteous^, righteous over much. bigoted, fanatical; priest-ridden.

In their creed the protectorate was an impiety, kingship a sacrilegious assumption of the authority belonging to the only King, the Lord Jesus.

E'en sacrilegious hands from TOMBS abstain.

Giddings shall not touch you, nor shall Seward lay his sacrilegious hand on you!"

These words, little understood perhaps, but certainly imprudent, had raised a storm of opposition on account of their almost sacrilegious character; the feeling of indignation was unanimous among the men at the front, as well as in the circle of friends at home.

You have incurred blood guiltiness by not begetting those who ought to be your descendants; you are sacrilegious in putting an end to the names and honors of your ancestors; you are impious in abolishing your families, which were instituted by the gods, and destroying the greatest of offerings to them,the human being,and by overthrowing in this way their rites and their temples.

But staye, staye, there's one riddle I cannot expound: howe com thou so suddenly to lepp out of a howse of roguery into a howse of religion, from a stewes to a cloyster, from beastleness to blessednes and from a sacrilegious place to a sanctuary? Scrib.

Now, if there be more matters to be defined,as for instance, if we inquire whether he is a thief or a sacrilegious person who has stolen sacred vessels from a private house,we shall have to employ many definitions, and then the whole cause will have to be dealt with on a similar principle.

" "The villain!" continued the enraged termagant, catching her breath like a person that had just been submerged in water longer than is agreeable to human nature, and forcing her way through the crowd, with such vigour as soon to be in a situation to fly to her secret hordes, in order to ascertain the extent of her misfortune; "the sacrilegious villain!

You don't mind my smoking do you?" This, to tell the truth, seemed almost sacrilegious to Mr. Taynton, for the idea that tobacco, especially the frivolous cigarette, should burn in a room where such port was being drunk was sheer crime against human and divine laws.

" The rapacious Puritans, of course, did not suffer any portion of the church-goods to escape their sacrilegious and itching palms, if convertible into money, so we read "1645.

The Hussite wars, and the sacrilegious indignity with which her sacred images had been treated in the north, filled her orthodox votaries of the south, of Europe with a consternation and horror like that excited by the Iconoclasts of the eighth century, and were followed by a similar reaction.

As, however, this sacrilegious millinery does not come within the province of the fine arts, I may pass it over here.

Here the Greek legend of St. Michael protecting her remains from the sacrilegious Jew is omitted, and a peculiar sentiment of solemnity pervades the whole scene.

The true significance of the representation is not, however, left doubtful; for all the earliest traditions and inscriptions are in this agreed, that such effigies were intended as a confession of faith; an acknowledgment of the dignity of the Virgin Mary, as the "SANCTA DEI GENITRIX;" as a visible refutation of "the infamous, iniquitous, and sacrilegious doctrines of Nestorius the Heresiarch.

Swain, no more, Thou hast abus'd the strictness of this place, And offred Sacrilegious foul disgrace To the sweet rest of these interred bones, For fear of whose ascending, fly at once,

But still he waited there, till the crows and the Brahminee kites should come to perform the last horrid rites; for to Parsee custom the sepulture most becoming to men and most acceptable to God is in the stomachs of the fowls of the air, in the craws of ghoulish vultures and sacrilegious crows.

"Stay, stay your sacrilegious hands!"The voice 430 Was Nature's, uttered from her Alpine throne; I heard it then and seem to hear it now "Your impious work forbear, perish what may, Let this one temple last, be this one spot Of earth devoted to eternity!"

165 examples of  sacrilegious  in sentences