94 examples of sada in sentences

As we passed homewards down the street we heard the woman in the upper chamber still singing her prayer, but with a note of hope in its cadence: "O dilruba tu gam na kho, khuda hamen baham kare" "Janejahan bhulo nahi, karim sada karam kare.


Any time you are out of a job and want to overwork all your faculties and a few emotions, try chaperoning a young room-mate answering to the name of Sada San, who is one-half American dash, and the other half the unnamable witchery of a Japanese woman; a girl with the notes of a lark in her voice when she sings to the soft twang of an old guitar.

But you 'd have to travel far to find the beginning of a story so heaped up with romantic interest as that of Sada San as she told it to me, one long, lazy afternoon as I lay on the couch in my cabin, thanking my stars I was getting the best of the bare tablecloth and the empty house at home.

Some twenty years ago Sada's father, an American, grew tired of the slow life in a slow town and lent ear to the fairy stories told of the Far East, where fortunes were made by looking wise for a few moments every morning and devoting the rest of the day to samisens and flutes.

Sada is here.

In every pastime or pleasure, Sada San has been the moving spirit.

I found Sada one day on the bed, a crumpled heap of woe; white and shaking with tearless sobs.

Hara, the rich man, had sent to him a proposal of marriage for Sada!

Not a suggestion of feeling or sentiment; not a word as to Sada's wishes or rights.

Unsuspected by Sada I learned his full address, and Mate, I wrote a letter to the auburn-haired lover in Nebraska, in which I painted a picture that is going to cause something to happen, else I am mistaken in my estimate of the spirit of the West in general and William Weston Milton in particular.

Sada told me that for some reason she had never mentioned Billy's name to Uncle.

Sada goes to Kioto in the morning.

I put Sada to bed.

I am writing him that I can't start till the fate of Sada San is settled for better or for worse.

With this terror upon me, even Sada's desperate trouble has faded and grown pale as the memory of a dream.

Yesterday, on our arrival here, I found a desperate letter from Sada San, written hurriedly and sent secretly.

One of the geisha girls in the tea-house slipped in one night and told Sada.

I had already told Jack of my anxiety for Sada San and of the fate that was hanging over her, but now that the blow has suddenly fallen I dare not tell him.

I wrote Sada a revised version of Blue Beard that would turn that venerable gentleman gray, could he read it.

I quickly related all that I knew of what had happened to Sada, and what was about to happen.

There was only a fragment of a plan in my mind; I had no further communication from Sada, and knew nothing more than that the wedding was only a day off.

I was to get in the house and see Sada if possible, taking, as the excuse for calling, a print on which, in an absent-minded moment, I had squandered thirty yen.

I did not know what was happening; nor was I sure that Sada was within the house; but something told me that my cue was to keep Uncle busy.

The Two-flowered Pancratium, P. triflorum, Sada kunool, was so named by Roxburg, and gives a white flower in groups of threes, as its name implies.

94 examples of  sada  in sentences