12357 examples of sailed in sentences

"'Not before I've sailed,' he ses, very quick.

No man sailed the ship; it came of itself, bringing the child, whose name was Scyld.

Treasures were there from far and near gathered, Byrnies of battle, armor and swords; Never a keel sailed out of a harbor So splendidly tricked with the trappings of war.

Sad-souled they gave back its gift to the ocean, Mournful their mood as he sailed out to sea.

Angeln was the home of one tribe, and the name still clings to the spot whence some of our forefathers sailed on their momentous voyage.

Here they lived, a big, blond, powerful race, and hunted and fought and sailed, and drank and feasted when their labor was done.

Ours was a sorry plight Until at last we sailed unto the land, Over the troubled main.

A violent storm overtook us in doubling Cape Hatteras soon after we sailed, which, besides damaging the bulwarks of the vessel, tore some of the sails to shivers; our ship stood it, however, gallantly, and, after that occurrence, we had favourable weather the remainder of the voyage.

This assertion I knew at the time to be erroneous, as far as my own researches had been concerned: for out of twenty-four vessels, which had sailed out of the port of Bristol in that employ, only two sailors were upon the dead list.

About eighty vessels on an average had sailed thence in each of these years.

I found, also, afterwards, that he had sailed with Captain Cook, with great credit to himself, round the world.

Then he sailed on the 'Capella' for Bergen, where his advent was chronicled by Reuter.

whence we sailed to Ormus in sight of the Persian shore on the left side, and on the right side towards Arabia we discouered infinite Ilands.

Before they depart to passe the Sholds, the small shippes and flat bottomed boates goe together in companie, and when they haue sailed sixe and thirtie miles, they arriue at the place where the Sholdes are, and at that place the windes blowe so forciblie, that they are forced to goe thorowe, not hauing any other refuge to saue themselues.

He entered as a mariner on board of one of these ships, and in process of time obtained the command, first of one galley, then of a small flotilla, with which he sailed round the seas and collected considerable plunder, until his name became both feared and famous.

Having said thus much, the pirate got on board, and commanding his men to unmoor the galleys, sailed back to Torloisk, and prepared to land in arms.

They all sailed in company on 5th May, but after a few days Cook explained to Captain Elliott, of the Portland, who had come on board the Endeavour, that his ship, sails, and rigging were naturally not in very good order after his lengthy voyage, and therefore he should probably be unable to keep up with the other ships.

And they sailed on the morrow.

Then they sailed over the wide sea, and sailed away until they came to the city where dwelt the daughter of the King of the Golden Palace.

Then they sailed over the wide sea, and sailed away until they came to the city where dwelt the daughter of the King of the Golden Palace.

We pursued the same track as far as the Philippine Islands, but on the morning of the third day our companion had disappeared, leaving us in ignorance whether she had out-sailed us or we her.

A dozen or two of the natives were desirous of honouring us with a visit, and pulled stoutly in six canoes towards our ship, but we sailed so fast that they were soon left a long way behind.

For the first few days after entering the Chinese sea, we sailed pretty well in the same fashion we had done in the Pacific proceeding slowly and quietly on our way.

We sailed on the river for fourteen days, during which time we passed many thickly populated towns and villages, and did not meet with a single case until today.

They were turned on a squadron of clouds which sailed in the wide bay between the forest and the hilltop.

12357 examples of  sailed  in sentences